Nothing was going to stop me hosting the 1st UK PEZ Gathering!
So that was it, I was actually doing it!
2016 would see the
1st Ever UK PEZ Gathering!
I couldn't contain my excitement, but very
quickly that excitement
turned into nervousness!
I let my brain do that silly thing of
overthinking things!
"But what if this happens? Or that happens?"
what I should have really been thinking was
"You can do this and you're
going to make it the best you can"!

Oi Oi So the theme was set and made way for me to get
on with everything else!
Next thing on the list:
The Dispenser!
had to get the order in for these very quickly after determining that I was
definitely going to be hosting the event.
I am very lucky to be in a position
to be able to have a dispenser produced by PEZ International. 100 of these
dispensers have been made and I must say,
I love them!
They will be revealed at
the event to the attendees first, as I wanted to keep that as a surprise for
them! Bearing in mind that I had to order these a long time ago, I think I've
done pretty well in not letting it slip so far!
So that was a big weight off my
shoulders; the part that
everyone will want was complete!
Now, I couldn't host a gathering if I had
nowhere to do it.
I would have loved to be able to afford to do a whole 3 day
event and really go full throttle, but alas, having a young family means that
funds would never allow for that.
It's probably a good thing in all honesty, it
means we can use this year to test the water and see how it all goes before
planning bigger and better
things for the future.
I hummed and harred about where I should
have the event take place. Of course people automatically think it should be in
London, but with me not living near London, it would have been hard to organize everything for there. Plus I'm a country bumpkin, so getting lost in London is
a very easy task for me!
After a lot of consideration, I decided on the
"fine city" of Norwich and
quickly decided on the venue option too.
I booked a venue called
The Garage.
No it's
not a mechanics workshop, it's a lovely performing arts venue
for young people
in the heart of Norwich.
It doesn't usually host things like this, but the
venue manager seemed really excited about it and told me tales of how he used
to steal his sisters sweets! See PEZ is great for making people reminisce!
YES!! We had a venue and we had a date!
Saturday the 20th August 2016
was going to make a little bit of PEZ history.

Did you miss Part 1 of Kelle's story?
you can find it HERE
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