Monday, November 15, 2021

Kat and Annie PEZ Ornaments now available...

This February we already reported about the new 
PEZ ornaments from Kat & Annie.(here)
Many of us have been waiting longingly to 
get all the lovely PEZ ornaments.
Now PEZ Candy Inc has added some of the ornaments
 in their online shop (here) but hurry up as we all know they 
are very popular and will be sold out very soon! (USA only)
Happy Collecting!

Tuesday, November 9, 2021

More pez dispensers now available online from PEZ Candy Inc...

 PEZ Candy Inc is unfortunately also affected 
by the delivery delays, so we are pleased to announce that many 
new dispensers have just been added to 
the online store by PEZ Candy Inc.

If you are looking for the new Elf, Nutcracker, or full Body Santa, 
also the new Marvel Eternals, crystal Paw Patrol, or the Sing 2 
then you can get them online now. (here)
Happy Collecting!

Monday, November 8, 2021

Finally available to order ... the new Star Wars Mandalorian PEZ clips...

 The time has finally come, PEZ Candy Inc has just activated the new 
Star Wars Mandalorian PEZ clips, 
and you can now order them here. (USA only)
Happy Collecting!

Thursday, November 4, 2021

Surprise! Black Money Heist PEZ dispensers can now be ordered individually...

 UPDATE, Some of them are SOLD OUT!!

It was very nerve-wracking and our collector mode
 had gone up to the highest level. 
Was it so that we really struggled to get a complete set with the
10 different black Money Heist PEZ dispensers 
when ordering via Amazon. 
Today PEZ International surprises us once again with the dispensers, 
as each of the 10 black Money Heist PEZ dispensers 
can now be ordered individually with the desired code 
name online from PEZ. (Euro only) 
Happy Collecting!

PEZ Adventcalendar now available to order...

Over the past few years we have longed dearly for a 
PEZ advent calendar, 
and now he is finally here!  
The marketing team at PEZ International 
has definitely outdone itself, 
they couldn't have designed and filled the calendar 
better or more beautifully. 
Not only that a limited crystal PEZ Christmas tree dispenser
 is hidden behind one of the 24 doors, 
no, the design and all other 23 goodies are really nice 
and matched to the Christmas season.  
Please, please PEZ International we would not like to miss 
this in 2022 either, possibly with a new limited crystal PEZ dispenser? :D 
Big praise from our side, the advent calendar,
 the full body Santa ornament, 
 and the Candy Corn Mascot 
are definitely one of our highlights of this year!  
You can order the new advent calendar here. (Euro only)
Happy Collecting!

Wednesday, November 3, 2021

The mini PEZ Ornaments are here...

Last year at Christmas time, the mini PEZ snowman was 
only available in very small quantities 
and therefore almost impossible to get.
Fortunately, this year is different, 
as our American collector friends report, 
both the new mini PEZ santa and the mini PEZ snowman ornaments
 were found in the dollar section at Target. (USA only)
It should also be mentioned that PEZ Candy Inc has redesigned
 the packaging, and therefore they look really exquisite.
We keep our fingers crossed that you will be successful 
in the search for the new Xmas mini PEZ. 
Happy Collecting.

Many thanks to our dear Jessica G for al the pictures and the videos :)  


Friday, October 29, 2021

Christmas Mickey and Minnie PEZ spotted in Europe...

 The Christmas 
Mickey and Minnie 
with red stocking caps
which were only available in the USA last year, 
have now made their way to Europe.
We are happy to report that they have already
 been spotted in several European countries.
This means also for all the PEZ card collectors, 
that you will soon be able to add a new card to your collection.
The two dispensers are also nice to bring along as gifts.
Happy Collecting!

Thank you Ferenc for the video :)

Wednesday, October 27, 2021

New 2021 WAWA PEZ Truck is here...

Since 2012 it has become a tradition that 
surprise us with a new truck in autumn.
This is the tenth addition which can be added soon to our 
PEZ Wawa fleet collection. (USA only)
 Wawa is a chain of convenience stores located on the east coast of the US.
 Time to start checking around at your local Wawa store.
Thank you Wawa that you have decided 
to keep up the tradition again this year-we love it!
Happy Collecting!
Past WaWa Haulers Photos courtesy of


Tuesday, October 26, 2021

New Candy Corn PEZ Mascot now available...

 Since May 2019, when the first PEZ Candy Mascot dispenser 
was introduced, we have freaked out every time 
when a new one has been released.

Of course, the upper floors at PEZ also noticed this, 
and so it is no longer surprising that one 
mascot dispenser after the other follows.
We thought the Grape Candy mascot couldn't be topped, 
but we were wrong. :D

Here comes the mascot number 12,
 and it is the beautiful 
mascot dispenser! 
OMG yes we scream for joy!
Can we have some more, please!
We can't wait to add the new 
Candy Corn PEZ mascot to our collections.
Unfortunately, the jewelery is only available in 
the PEZ online store in the USA. (here)
But hurry up, it will surely be sold out again very quickly.
Happy Collecting!

Thursday, October 21, 2021

Cute new little PEZ BAGS from Japan...

Plazastyle from Japan has brought us many 
great PEZ merch items in the past.
Now they have just released something new
 (licensed) from PEZ, 
and many of us will love it, 
the cute little bags with various retro PEZ motives are now available.
Unfortunately, all this again only for our Japanese PEZ collectors, 
but let's hope that our friends can get them for us.
Happy Collecting!
Thank you PlazaStyle and Toshihiro for the pictures :)

Wednesday, October 20, 2021

European Christmas PEZ assortment now available...

With well over 1500 stores in Europe, 
is a safe choice for PEZ holiday dispensers, 
whether it's Easter, Christmas or Halloween.

From now on the PEZ Christmas assortment 
(printed PEZ play code on stem)
is available at ACTION.

Just take a look online to see if and where you 
have the nearest Action store.
Happy Collecting!
ACTION stores all over Europe.

Tuesday, October 19, 2021

New Christmas PEZ Elf and Nutcracker now available...

Several PEZ heads have informed us that the Christmas tubes 
with the new PEZ 
Elf and Nutcracker 
are now available from Staples.
So let's go to the next Staples store.
Happy Collecting!
Picture from peztherapy (Instagram) Thank you :)

Friday, October 15, 2021

New KWIK TRIP PEZ Truck has been found...

 Discovered over the last 24 hours, a brand new  
Banana PEZ Hauler! (USA only)
How we love such surprises!

Kwik Trip is a cheain of convenience stores founded 
in 1965 with 525 stores beetween Wisconsin, Minnesota and Iowa.

This is the first Kwik Trip Truck that we can
add to our large PEZ truck fleet.
Happy Collecting!

Saturday, October 9, 2021

2021 Christmas and New Year PEZ dispensers...

While some of us are starting to find the 
Christmas PEZ assortment for 2021,
 we would like to take a closer look at the 
differences between the 
U.S. and the European Christmas PEZ releases for you.

new 2021 USA Christmas PEZ assortment: 
new fabulous Nutcracker (Tube only)
new Elf (regular assortment)
mini Santa and mini Snowman (Ornaments)
Full Body Santa Ornament
New vs old Fullbody Santa (thank you Gail for the pictrue)
new 2021 EUROPE Christmas PEZ assortment:
For the very first time, new PEZ Advent Calendar 
with an exclusiv limited Edition 
crystal tree PEZ dispenser (Euro only)
Snowman with play code printed on the stem
 (Mickey and Minnie with red stocking caps - 2020 USA release
 this year also in Europe to be released.
At the turn of the year 2019 to 2020 the 
Ladyluck PEZ dispenser 
was intodruced (limited Edition of 2020 pcs.).
Last year it was the crystal new year eve's ball
(limited Edition of 2021, USA only)
The question is, if and with what PEZ will
surprise us this year? 
We all know PEZ loves to stick to traditions, 
so we are almost certain that we will see 
something wonderful again.
There were some dissatisfied collectors last year 
because of the crystal ball, we assume that it 
could be something different this year. 
The marketing department has neither 
confirmed nor denied anything.
 We all will have to be patient a little longer...
but we're on to find out more for you...
so, stay tuned! 
Happy Collecting!