Monday, March 22, 2021

Lizensed PEZ Fire Extinguishers now available to order...

 We have reported several times about the 
new licensed PEZ fire extinguishers from France. 
Admittedly we were quite surprised at the beginning 
and some of you also believed that we were joking. 
 When we received the first pictures exclusively 
from FIRE design and were allowed to share them with you (here)
 we promised you that we will inform you 
as soon as they can be ordered. 

  Now the time has finally come!
From now on you can order 
these directly from firedesign. 
 Many were worried that those could not be delivered
 to the USA.
FIRE design told us,
 that they deliver them also
 to the USA with UPS! 
 Now the only thing left to do is to decide 
which design you choose. 
It is very difficult for us to make a decision 
but one thing is clear, none of us will be able 
to treat ourselves to the full range.
You can order the new fire extinguishers here
Happy Collecting! 


Thursday, March 18, 2021

The new PEZ bees are ready to fly into the stores...

 The real limited edition PEZ bee is actually just 
the crystal BEEDifferent bee, 
and while it is already sold out in Europe at PEZ International, 
our American PEZ friends are waiting for it to 
appear in the PEZ Candy USA online store. ... 
it can't be long! 
 The three other American bees 
have found their way to the PEZ dealers, and very soon in the stores too.
The two European PEZ 
bees are also ready for the European stores.
Happy Collecting! 


Wednesday, March 17, 2021

NEW RECORD?! St. Patrick's PEZ dispensers sell out in less than 30 minutes

It was a crazy day today when the new 
St.Patrick`s Day PEZ for Europe was finally 
published by PEZ International.
As with the limited bees, PEZ International announced 
the new St. Patrick’s dispenser with a countdown 
and the exact time in their Instagram story 
when the dispenser will be available to order. 
Punctually at 10 a.m. the dispenser were then activated 
in the online shop, and in less than 
30 minutes all dispensers were gone.
PEZCANDY (PEZ International - Europe) on Instagram
 A new record has definitely been set 
and there may be various reasons for this. 
With a great idea and a fabolous green pal, 
PEZ has delivered exactly what we all really wanted. 
Was it the hype about the American release, 
where the dispensers were also sold out 
very quickly and are now reaching horrific prices on Ebay. 
Or was it the mishap that PEZ Int. has been undermined, 
because the dispenser was offered 
at a price of 1.99 Euro stead of 4.99 Euro in the first few minutes. 
This indeed was corrected very quickly, 
but some collectors have certainly struck here at this great price. 
And as a last point it should be said that, 
unlike in the USA, 
there was no limit to the order quantity for European collectors. 
Be that as it may, 
one thing is clear, there are unfortunately collectors in 
both the USA and Europe who have not been 
able to get hold of a dispenser. 
In any case, PEZ International did not expect such a big rush and was very surprised and overwhelmed in their Insta story. 
Due to the great success, it could well be possible that we 
could get something special for St. Patrick’s Day again next year.
See the post below from PEZCANDYUSA on Instagram ;)

 Happy Collecting! 


Tuesday, March 16, 2021

New PEZ True Love Candy drops, and a lovely new Ballpoint PEZ pen...

 In preparation for tomorrow when the 
St. Patrick's PEZ dispenser is due to be sold 
on PEZ International website, there are two great new products 
that PEZ International has added to their online store. 
 Perfectly matched to the PEZ wedding gift boxes, 
PEZ candy drops have now appeared in sweet wedding style 
under the motto true love.  

Also available now, a new official PEZ merch item!  
The new blue PEZ ballpoint pens with the PEZ logo and the 
well-known PEZ makes you smile slogan, 
as well as three cute PEZ mascots,
 are an absolute must-have item in our collection.  
 We would definitely like to see more official 
PEZ merachindse stuff
from PEZ International in the future.
  You can order both PEZ articles here (Europe only).  
Happy Collecting!

Sunday, March 7, 2021

New licensed PEZ Masking tapes from Japan...

 All good things come in threes!

We are pleased that we can introduce you today 
to more licensed PEZ products from Japan.
Agian with the help of Toshihiro,
Daiso is selling excluisve licensed PEZ items in its stores,
 and new PEZ masking tapes are now also available.
More PEZ articles that we absolutely need and want in our collections
: D
Here you can find our two posts from the past.
Happy Collecting! 
Thank you Toshihiro for the pictures :)


Thursday, March 4, 2021

All the 50! different PEZ Fire Extinguishers...

When we gave you a first look (here) at the new 
licensed PEZ fire extinguishers from FIRE DEISGN 
two weeks ago, we promised you to stay tuned,
that we can show you more soon.

Now the time has finally come, 
and the line-up is really impressive!

Incredible 50 different fire extinguishers are offered 
in a great PEZ design from Fire Design.

There is definitely something for everyone's taste, 
it is very difficult for us to choose just one favorite!

As the marketing manager of FIRE Design Delpine G told us,
 the catalog has already been sent to their retailers and 
the fire extinguishers will soon be available to order online on their site.

Please understand that we cannot give you any 
precise information about the 
shipping or the customs regulations because 
these are quite different from country to country.

Now we don't want to keep you waiting any longer, 
see for yourself, they are definitely iconic!
We are also in love with the 
Betty Boop and Popeye fire extinguisher ;)
Happy Collecting.

Thank you FIRE Design for all the pictures!

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

First Look: The European Card for the St. Patrick's Day PEZ Dispenser...

 Yesterday we reported that the new 
St. Parick’s Day PEZ dispenser
will be added from PEZ International (Europe) in their online shop on 
St.Patricks Day March 17th.

While the new dispenser from PEZ Candy Inc. (USA) 
was sold out within a very short time, 
the hectic ordering process is still ahead for most european collectors.
Pictures from PEZ International and PEZ Candy Inc.

Today we are pleased to be able to give you a first look at 
the European PEZ card, 
as we already announced, 
the dispenser is identical,  PEZ International has 
just designed a own card for it.
We are already looking forward to Wednesday March 17th!
Happy Collecting!
left: USA PEZ card- right: Euopean PEZ Card, identical St. Patrick's PEZ dispenser

OMG! Limited Edition BEE DIFFERENT crystal PEZ BEE

One more reason to freak out!

After we all freaked out yesterday about the 
St. Patrick's Day PEZ dispenser, 
the next surprise from PEZ is coming today!
The European PEZ bees can now be ordered online (here) 
(Euro only)
 and to everyone's surprise, 
there are not only the two cute 
no, they have made
as a limited webshop edition, 
a crystal bee on yellow stem with  
print on the stem.

Pictures from PEZ International 
Our American friends can also order the bees online later this month 
and will also have the opportunity to get the new limited crystal bee.
Oh how we love such surprises!
Yes, please, more of it!
Happy Collecting!
Coming soon from PEZ Candy Inc. (USA only)

Monday, March 1, 2021

CONFIRMED! New St.Patrick's day PEZ dispenser will be available in Europe too..

PEZ Candy Inc. has just surprised us with the 
new St.Patrick's PEZ dispenser, 
and for all those who did not get one, 
we have great news!  
PEZ International has just confirmed us 
that the new St. Patrick's dispenser will also be 
offered online for European collectors. 
 The collectors have just to wait until St. Patrick's Day,
then it will be available exclusively in their online shop.
(selected european countries)
Isn't that good news?  
It could well be that the card will look a little bit different then the one 
offered by PEZ Candy Inc.  
So be curious, as soon as we have the official picture, 
we will share it with you here. 
 Stay tuned!

Breaking NEWS! Limited Edition St.Patrick's day PEZ dispenser now available...


For many years the question and the desire for a 
St. Patrick's PEZ dispenser 
has been popping up in the PEZ community.
Behind closed doors and in strict secrecy, 
PEZ has worked hard to make this long-awaited wish come true.
Saint Patrick was a 5th-century Romano-British Christian 
missionary and bishop in Ireland. 
Much of what is known about Saint Patrick comes from the declaration, 
which was allegedly written by Patrick himself. 
It is believed that he was born in Roman Britain in the fourth century.

His birth and death days are not known - the day
March 17th 
for the day of death first appeared in the 7th century.

St.Patrick's Day was made an official Christian feast day in 
the early 17th century and is observed by the Catholic Church, 
the Anglican Communion (especially the Church of Ireland)
 the Eastern Orthodox Church, and the Lutheran Church.
The day commemorates Saint Patrick and the arrival 
of Christianity in Ireland, and celebrates the heritage 
and culture of the Irish in general.

Celebrations that have become global now generally include 
public parades and festivals, 
and the wearing of green clothes or shamrocks.
PEZ is also celebrating St. Patrick's Day for the first time this year 
and surprises us with a new
 PEZ pal dispenser in a limited edition. 
The new St. Patrick’s Day PEZ pal 
with a green hat, on green stem, 
and a white St. Patrick’s Day imprint and a shamrock, 
is really unique and now available to order from
 How could it be otherwise, we have also colored our blog green
 to welcome the new dispenser and to set an example for St. Patrick’s Day.  
Now we keep our fingers crossed that 
we all will manage to get hold of the wonderful new dispenser.

 Pez Boys from the past

Pictures, PEZ Candy Inc. Thank you ;)


The Limited Edition PEZ Bees will be available from tomorrow

Back in December we reported exclusively about it, (here)
 and tomorrow the big day finally has come.
PEZ International has just announced on their 
Instagram account that the two new 
Limited Edition bees 
will be available from tomorrow in their online store. 
(Euro only here)

As you also know, the American three bees from PEZ Candy Inc. (here)
have a different stem color, and a different 
print than the European bees, and should also 
be available this month, we will of course keep you up to date.

PEZ International want to keep the bees alive!
In cooperation with their partner „HektarNektar“ 
young beekeepers are equipped with a colony of bees.
The plan for Austria and Germany is, per sold packaging oft the 
PEZ Bees to support the Austrian and German beekeepers.
More beekeepers = more hives = more bees!

We keep our fingers crossed that you will 
manage to get the two cute bees (March 2nd) tomorrow.
Please note, all the limited Bees (Euro and USA) 
will be sold in selected retail stores too.
Happy Collecting!

Pictures PEZ International