Showing posts with label Turkey. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Turkey. Show all posts

Friday, January 31, 2025

Barbie, PEZ and Cute Pets: A Dream Combination for PEZ Collectors

The mix has everything that makes 
girl's hearts beat faster: 
Barbie, adorable little puppies, kittens, 
and a touch of PEZ.

Sounds promising, right? 
That's exactly what Unibon Gida, 
the PEZ distributor in Turkey, has shared 
on their social media accounts.
Sounds promising, right? 
That's exactly what Unibon Gida, 
the PEZ distributor in Turkey, has shared 
on their social media accounts. 

We couldn’t resist showing you these images!

The Barbie PET Box is filled with 
12 different puppies and kittens, 
along with a PEZ candy pack.
Inside the box, fille with one Barbie Pet, and one PEZ Candy pack.
The fun surprise element? 
You only know which pet is inside once you open the box.
While there may not be many collectors from
 Turkey, these cute PET boxes will certainly
 find their way into the collections of some lucky PEZ fans. 

Maybe we'll even ask our friends traveling to 
Turkey to grab a few for us.
Good luck on your search and 
Happy Collecting!