Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Minnie Mouse

A new set of Minnie Mouse Pez is scheduled for release in February or March in the European countries. 
The Pez collectors store will have them in stock as soon as possible! 
To visit the Pez collector store visit

Big thank you to Chris Jordan for letting us use her picture :) 

the Euro Minnie Mouse Set from 2014
Picture: PEZ International

A post for you dear Krissy!!!

This post is espacally to my best PEZPAL, my good friend, my Boss (she hates it when I say that) to an amazing and wonderful woman PEZPALZ KRISTIAN <KRISSY>
She has Birthday today and my Family and me want to wish Krissy a wonderful and awesome HaPpY Birthday!
Have a great B-day and enjoy your day! We hope you will like all you birthday gifts 😉
🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈   🎁🍸🎂   🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉🎈🎉


2014 is almost gone and it's time to look back!
It was a wonderful PEZ year for us. We had many stories, gifts and winners this year. 

206 posts with a total of 635 pictures!

We presented great stories, some exclusive first-look pictures from Günters Kleinmünchen Ghosts, Ivan's 6 Gathering pucks from Slovenia, the cool looking Steel City Gathering dispenser, we had the Finnish Duck and the Swedish Reindeer on our blog in that minute after the presentation was over in Finland and Sweden, the Chocolate mini egg with a mini PEZ Dispenser, last but not least the never seen before Cruspi Dispenser. 

The PEZ Headz Promo pack was also on our blog, long before Pez candy US released it. The Pez headz and the my little pony press releases hit our blog at first. We reported also about some special eBay Auctions, we shared funny PEZ Youtube Videos and a lot of nice PEZ Pictures.

As many of you know, we love the Slogan, Pez makes a Smile, so that is why we started our contests and giveaways. We had wonderful winners and wonderful prices, we totally flipped out when we got the Cruspi dispenser for one of our readers,  Pam won the dispenser long before they hit to some others.
The Swiss Soccer Balls, FC Basel Balls, Toy Story Terror Cat, Mini Nemo Dispenser, My Little Pony Set, the SC Bern Pucks and the cool Japan Gathering Bubble with a fun "Bubble in trouble" picture contest are some of our prizes of 2014. A great looking 2014 PEZ Pictorial with a big voting, for the favorite 2014 PEZ Dispenser, was the last big thing on our blog.

You can now follow us on Facebook, Twitter and on Instagram. We have created our logo with the two PEZ-Dispenser the Bunny (Pez Pal Kristian) and the Skull (Ghosty). We can't thank everyone who has helped us over the past year enough for everything you have done for us.  We are so grateful to you all.  

It was a wonderful and fun year for us, and we are very excited to rock with you in 2015.  More stories, more surprises and a lot of new gifts and we love our hobby, we love PEZ and we like to share it with you :) Hope to see you in 2015 on our blog :) Lots of Love to all of our readers all over the world :) 

2014 Poll Results

Thank you to everyone who participated in our 2014 favorites poll. 
Below are the top winners for 2014.

Best Sports PEZ of 2014

Best Convention PEZ of 2014

Best Euro/ Australian PEZ of 2014

Best American PEZ of 2014

Thanks to Alex! He noticed my mistake. The Target dog should be in 3rd place, making Scooby Doo 4th place. 
Thanks Alex!

Best Tin/Box/Gift Set of 2014

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Love Letter

Dear Ghosty & Family, 
Thank you for being there every day of 2014 to cheer me up! 
Looking forward to 2015 with you :) 
                      BIG Hugs, 

Friday, December 26, 2014

SpongeBob EURO Gary vs US Gary...

Thanks to Steve Bannister,
He has created this picture to see the variation difference between
the EURO Spongebob Gary the Snail and the US Gary the Snail.
Picture: Steve Bannister

Here we have a close up Picture from Brent Pez Johnson, thank you for the Pictures :)

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Time is Running out to Vote for your Favorite!


to all our readers from all over the world


Thursday, December 18, 2014

What we can hope for in 2015

In 2014 at the Sweets & Snacks Expo in Chicago we saw Star Wars, Harry Potter, & a New Hello Kitty Tin which hopefully we see at market next year.. Wonder what else we can expect for 2015, but we are sure that 2015 will be a great year for Pez!

 photos: google images
 Photo Credit- Eddie Pez Hunter Santiago

New Kitties Available Soon

Pez has announced via Pez intl.. 
New #PEZ Hello Kitty soon available in the markets!

Big Congratulations to our Pony Winner!!!

Our Final Winner of 2014 is..... 
 Drum Roll Please... 

Our Winner 
Phillip T.

Thank You to everyone who entered, we loved seeing all of your pictures. 

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

the real FROZEN PEZ :) #frostedpez

yes I´m a freaky PEZ Collector :)
since I have watched the movie Frozen with my family
we was mad that PEZ have not produced them as dispenser,
and then when the Info and the first pictures came out,
we was glad and could not await to get them soon.
Now I have them (Thank you PezPal Kristian)
and my kids and me played a little bit with our new dispensers  :)
so here is the result :)
our real FROZEN PEZ :))
#frostedpez *lol*

This is our real photo studio :)

Thursday, December 11, 2014

Want to Win the NEW MY LITTLE PONY PEZ??


Read here the press release of the MY LITTLE PONY PEZ

All you have to do is send us a picture of ANY Purple stem, Blue stem & Pink stemmed Pez from your collection to enter. Please write Pony in the subject Line. Please put your First name & Last initial in the email. 

For Example:

Jane Doe
One entry per person
Send an email to including your picture containing  a blue, purple, and pink stemmed Pez.
Please put PONY in the subject line of the Email. List your name, last initial, city/town, & state/country along with your picture for the contest.  Uncompleted entries will not count.      
The Contest is open to everyone world wide. 
Only 1 entry per person please.  
The Contest begins at December 11th,  2014  and ends at December 18th, 2014 at 9 PM Oregon, USA time.  (“Contest Period”). All entries (submissions) must be received on or before the time stated during that submission period.
Winner will be chosen by random draw.
The winner will be announced on or before December 19th, 2014.
There is no entry fee and no purchase necessary to enter this Giveaway. 
Winner should allow 6-8 weeks to receive prize. 

Monday, December 8, 2014

My little Pony PEZ are out in the UK...

great News
recording to some
UK PEZ Collectors
they have found the new
so it looks like, they will hit this month 
some other European stores :) and for sure on Ebay also

Picture: Hasbro/Pez International

Saturday, December 6, 2014

New PEZ Valentine's Day hearts are coming...

we already reported about them in the past
(first look on the Candy Expo in Chicago by Eddie Pez Hunter Santiago)
and now look at this...
3 new ones
Be mine
Happy <3 Day
Jeanine Dakin Elwell found them today at
AC Moore in Savannah, GA
(This will be a USA release only)
Aren't they great? 

Thank you Jeanine for the Pictures :)
Picture from Eddie Pez Hunter Santiago (Candy Expo in Chicago) thank you for the pic :)

Friday, December 5, 2014

new PEZ Smurfs ClickNplay Candy Bag...

another new PEZ release, found on Ebay from Slovenia,
ClickNplay Smurfs Candy Bag included
1 Smurfs PEZ Dispenser
2 Stickers and
10 PEZ Candies
lot of Collectors collect the candy bags also,
and would be happy to have it (like me)
I´m sure they will hit some other European stores soon :)
Picture: Smurfs Candy Bag: Ebay=Edvard Drolc

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Time for the Tree

                                                                                                 Photo: Pez USA 

Monday, December 1, 2014

they are shipped, and on the way to AUSTRALIA, 3 new PEZ Emoticons....

great news
we reported about the 3 new Emoticons in the past
and now it's time
the first part is shipped and on the way to Australia.
like the first time, the delivery will be in two parts.
part one of the delivery will be in January/February out there.  

This makes us very happy!
And how are your emotions...? :)

thanks again Greg Potent for the Picture

 the first Emoticons from Australia: