Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Madrid PEZ Gathering, wild week of bidding

It was an Amazing week in the world of eBay auctions.
 The 2014 Madrid Gathering brought an amazing $565.00 but did not beat the record for the 2014 Portugal Ball Dispenser for $565.55

2014 Pez Madrid Gathering Ghost Dispenser
Final Bid $565.00 

Other auctions of interest

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Lucky 2016 Pez

Michael Porter has started making fantasy Pez line. 
Michael has given away about 25% of both the hearts and the LUCKY 16s. 
So Why LUCKY 16 ? 
Michael told us he has have been giving dispensers away at work as
"Good Luck PEZ" to coworkers for several years.
He has always carried a lucky dispenser for the last 30 years or so this just upped the ante. 
 Michael Plans to create new lucky Pez each year.
We must say these look amazing!!! Thank You Michael for sending these to us! 
You can visit his site at

Avengers Interactive now Available

The New Avengers have made it to Pez dealers around the USA in the past week and now we are getting a closer look at them.  Ironman's eyes light up!!!  Captain America's shield spins!!  We have not seen anything like this before, We cannot wait to get our hands on these!

Thursday, April 7, 2016

New Rolling Stones Pez

Today a post appeared on Facbook with reference to these New Rolling Stone Pez. The post reads, You can get NOW … Satisfaction … ! With our Rolling Stones PEZ dispensers. Available at the gift shop of the Saatchi gallery in London!
The Exhibitionism - The Rolling Stones is opened from 5th April until 4th September 2016.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Just Lamps imitation Pez sells at auction ...

Today the Just Lamps imitation Pez sold on eBay for a record $565.00 it is not clear how many exist. Per Pezilla's report in July of 2014 one had sold at auction for $306.13.

Photos: From Pezilla 
Fotos Ancient Tomb Rings Havealook

Other similar Pez that have been produced with out permission Include the Scholastic & Compaq Dispensers.

 Photo: Google Images 
 Photo: Google Images 

Disco Inferno Winners!!!

Thank You to all who entered our Disco Inferno Contest you all did a great job!! 
It was so hard for us to choose our Winners,  Fortunately we were able to have 4 Winners!! First, Second & Third place were chosen By Ghosty & I. The 4th and final winner was chosen by a poll we put on our site, Thanks to all who voted.

Sunday, April 3, 2016

Jessica´s report from the ATX PEZ Gathering...

For all those who did not have the chance to attend the ATX PEZ Gathering we are happy to share with you a little summary which was written by
our PEZ Pal Jessica <3

As soon as we arrived to the hotel we were greeted by a bunch of Pezheads...
Their arms full of PEZ that they had just purchased and me not wanting to miss a beat grabbed my husband and started to practically running down the hallways to start room hoping!
 I was on a mission!
I need minis, Barky's and anything that caught my eye!!!!!
Word got out what I was hunting for and I was sent to Silas's room....
He had a mini set that I needed.... YES!!!!!
As I'm in the Hosts room I realize OH we haven't registered yet oops!!!
We make our way to registration and pick up our registration bags.
Inside we find our attendee dispenser, a pint glass,
a pin and a bunch of other cool ATX swag.
Silas runs down the list of events for us and up first is karaoke.....
Oh NO...
I love to sing but I'm horrible at it....
I decide I'll let the hubby and my friends handle this.... Well....
As the drinks start flowing and the Pezhead start piling into the convention room we all just start dancing and randomly singing to whatever song is playing.... Then things got serious...
Silas grabs the microphone and starts up the karaoke contest...
He belts out a song and then Jerry Battenfield gets on stage...
This very nice quiet man whom I never thought would be doing karaoke sings
Lil Red Riding Hood!!!! He rocked that song!!!
One by one Pezhead get up on stage and sing!!!!
(There are videos of everyone singing if anyone wants to see them lol)
Ok so now I'm being pressured to go sing... Ok ok I pick a song...
Bohemian Rhapsody...
Now why do I pick an extremely long song? I HAVE NO CLUE!!!!!!
But it won me the award of WOMEN PEZHEAD IDOL!!!!!
Everyone did great singing and the karaoke party was a blast.....
Silas made sure that everyone was entertained with
 lots of PEZ activities and seminars....
He gave a great one on PEZ pals, where everyone learned a lot of information.
Travis Clifford did a seminar on Halloween PEZ,
which was broadcast live by Bubby PEZ on WPEZ-TV.
That was a lot of fun!
Cliff Lee had a seminar on PEZ 101 where
even veteran collectors learned some new stuff.
The next day back to room hoping... Pezheads are wandering all over the hotel trying to find the PEZ that they need.
Silas planned a bunch of events for everyone to do.
Easter egg hunt
Making a special PEZ truck for a truck race
A kickball game (got cancelled due to rain)
The Truck race Charity Auction Raffles A guessing game Presenting Awards
The charity auction was amazing...
The Crazy Funny Landon was our auctioneer.
He turned himself into a Ringmaster for the auction!
He costume was spot on!!!!
He auctioned more than 20 lots raising over
4000 DOLLARS for Austin's Pets Alive!!!!!
 After the auction it was time for the truck races!

Mamma Lamay (Aaron Lamays mom) was the 1st place WINNER and won a cool prize ATX dispenser!
After the races Silas pulled the winning tickets for the raffles ...
I won a Brutus Pez dispenser .... Jeanine Elwell won a special red ATX dispenser and then a Vucko and a Frankenstein were raffled off also.
Now it was time for the Awards.... Everyone was given a sheet of paper with a list of categories and we had to write down names of who we think deserves these awards...
The Landon of course won Party Animal and
the Peter PEZ Award.
Aaron Lamay won Pezhead King and Bubby PEZ was his queen with him winning the Pezheads Queen award!
Phyllis Oreck won the person most likely to be buried with their PEZ.
Juan Orozco won Pezheads Male Idol and I won Pezheads female idol!!!!
 I also happened to win the guessing game.... We were told that someone's gathering pack had something different about it than everyone else's....
 Aaron Lamay was trying so hard to win but me being a sly fox was able to figure out the difference before him!!!!
On one bag the ATX logo was printed on the wrong side!!!!
 I won a blue ducky ATX dispenser!!!!!!
The Convention came to an end and a large group of us went
out for a BBQ Dinner..
Hey we are in Texas after all!!!
After dinner the group split up.
Some went back to the hotel and some went out on the town...
I'll let you guys guess what one I did;)
All in all the ATX PEZ Convention was fun.
Buying PEZ, playing games, and hanging out with your best friends...
What else does anyone really need?!?!

Thank you Jessica <3 for your story and pictures,
and also a big thank you to John Nord for the pictures :)


Saturday, April 2, 2016

Disco Inferno contest time to vote!

Hi Friends, we need your help, We have picked our favorites but now we want to hear which one is yours! Please help us decide, 
Vote for your favorite below.

















Poll is not available.