Thursday, August 29, 2024

A Holiday Surprise: The Exclusive 2023 PEZ Snowman Dispensers for PEZ/Haas Employees

If there's one thing we've learned over 
the years in our hobby, it's that
 it’s full of surprises. 
And once again, PEZ has managed 
to surprise us, this time with two special snowmen 
dispensers made by PEZ Europe last autumn 
that we hadn't seen before.

Thanks to Lazlo's photos, we're excited 
to share more about these unique snowmen.
Left: Hungarian Right: German Christmas wishes printed on the stem.
As most of you know, the European headquarters 
of PEZ and Haas are located in Traun, Austria, 
while the production factory for our beloved 
dispensers and candies is in Hungary.

Last year, a special treat was created for 
the employees of PEZ/Haas in both Austria and Hungary. 
The company produced a snowman dispenser 
with a printed message bearing Christmas wishes
"Frohe Weihnachten 2023"
 in German and 
"Boldog Karácsonyt 2023"
 in Hungarian
which was given exclusively to the employees 
in both countries as Christmas gift.
Special Snowman: Left: Austrian version Middle: Hungarian version Right: blank backside blistercard Thank you Laszlo for the pictures ;)
So, what makes this dispenser so special? 
Firstly, it features a stem print and was 
released on a blister card in very limited quantities. 
Secondly, the blister card is blank on the back, 
lacking any country-specific production 
details or compositions. 
For the employees, this might just be a simple dispenser, 
but for collectors, these features 
significantly increase its value.

Even though these dispensers will never 
make it into our collections, 
we wanted to share their story with you.
We’re happy for the PEZ employees who 
received them as gifts from the company.
One has to be PEZ employee 
to recive something cool like this. ;)
Happy Collecting!

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