Tuesday, February 6, 2024

PEZ Olympic Phryges 2024 Paris Edition – Where Smiles, Logos, and French Flags Take Center Stage

Amidst my excitement in crafting these posts, 
I must confess to a tiny oversight. 
OK, a major one 😂
Ghosty is currently reveling in the picturesque
 mountains on a skiing adventure and hasn't been able 
to keep a close eye on my work.

😊 But fret not! I return with another post, 
and behold, you keen-eyed individuals 
have caught my slip-up! 
Image featuring PEZ Olympic Phryges dispensers. Two versions are depicted, each flaunting unique smiles, logos, and the French flag, emphasizing the distinctive characteristics of these collectibles.
The Olympic Phryges don't just come in
one but TWO versions. 
It turns out that the dispensers 
boast their own unique 
smiles, logos, and even the French flag.
Olympic Phryges PEZ Dispensers for both the 2024 Olympics and the Paralympics
For us, this translates into a delightful quest 
for not one but two collectible dispensers. 
And as they say, two is always better than one!
Happy Collecting!

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