Thursday, December 1, 2016

A Jolly Pezzy good time with Jessica & Juan...

With all of the gatherings happening around the world Jessica & Juan have opened their home to celebrate a wonderful Christmas gathering.
With a fun Christmas theme and familiar atmosphere Jessica is sharing the behind the scenes with us, Thank you Jessica!

The Christmas Pez Gathering all started by me wanting to hang out with Pezzy friends and my husband wanting to show everyone the amazing Christmas Decorations/lights he puts up every year... 4 years later here we are going on 
The 4th Christmas PEZ Gathering!!!

The 4th Annual Christmas Pez Gathering is just a few short days away. This year has gone by so fast. I'm so excited that it is almost here! I've been working like crazy to make sure I have everything ready to go! 

The Official Gathering is on December 3rd at 4:00pm.... The Christmas Gathering is always on the first Saturday of December. But on the Friday before the gathering everyone who is in town meets up and goes to dinner then we head back to my house to sit by the fire pit and just hang out.

I've been packing up all the gathering packs and putting together all the bingo prizes. We are having an extra round of bingo this year that has some sweet pez in it!

We start out the gathering by everyone setting up any pez they brought to sell and then we eat street tacos that I have had catered for the party :) I also make a bunch of different types of cookies and sweets. 
We have an endless supply of drinks and food all night long. 
There is always a door prize to give away and this year it is an Ugly Christmas Sweater Contest. The person who has the
UGLIEST Christmas Sweater 
will win the door prize and boy oh boy is it a cool prize! 

We also play a game called the White Elephant game.
Everyone attending the gathering must bring a Pezzy gift with a 15 dollar value or higher and wrap it up all pretty but don't put a tag on it... 
By the end of the game everyone will have a new pez gift to take home with them.

also play BINGO!!! You have to have bingo at a pez gathering! We usually have 4 rounds of bingo and 1 mega bingo.... But this year We are going to do 4 regular rounds of bingo 1 mega bingo and 1 super special amazing bingo!!!!!

I wish I could win these prizes!!!! It gets pretty intense once people start winning and opening up their bingo bags to see what they have wonπŸ˜‰

After all the games are done we all just hang out and talk and laugh the night away. We sit outside by the fire pit and catch up on what's happening in everyone's life.

Christmas is my favorite time of year and I'm so thankful that I get to bring some Christmas Joy into other Pezhead's lives

-Jessica & Juan

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