Thursday, July 14, 2022

New PEZ T-Shirt from Japan...

Fashion is more than just clothes!
 It is an expression of our style, taste and personality.  
With stylish T-shirts we set accents and 
show who we are and what we love. 
 And that's exactly what we can express with 
lovely PEZ T-Shirts to show our beloved 
hobby to the outside world. 
In the past we've always had the opportunity 
to treat ourselves to new PEZ shirts, 
but now there's a great new model. 
Unfortunately once again only in 
Japan from mac_house_official.  
 The new PEZ T-Shirt in the colors white, green and black 
is available in the sizes M, L and XL.
What we particularly like is that each T-Shirt comes with a 
PEZ crocodile tag as an accessory and 
comes in a great fabric bag same PEZ print as the T-Shirts is offered.  
We look enviously at Japan again, but at the same time we 
are happy for our Japanese PEZ friends.
Happy Collecting!

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