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Saturday, July 24, 2021


Yesterday in the car I heard the news. My dear friend Nenad and co-creator of PEZ PALZ, better known as our PEZ Ghosty was just named PEZ HEAD of the YEAR! Joe Pavarati presented the award via zoom to Ghosty from PEZAMANIA. Ghosty is the first ever International winner of the award. 

Long before we met, Ghosty was busy jet setting all over the world searching for PEZ high and low. He has met so many people in our hobby and doing so much to generously spread his love for our little candy dispensers to others. On Monday February 10th, 2014 Ghosty published a rundown of his trip to the French Gathering hosted by Christian on a new blog and that triggered his love of blogging about PEZ and sharing everything he knows about PEZ with the world. 1,282 posts later the rest is history without Ghosty PEZ PALZ would not be even close to AWESOME! With partners Willi and Yasin the VIP gathering was created and two very successful gatherings happened in Vienna, Austria in 2015 and 2019. 

Since mid 2019 my medical conditions have worsened and Ghosty has taken over all of the functions of PEZ PALZ. He does it all, FB, IG, +all the other social media, he collects all the news, sources the photos, does the design +++ It’s no small task it takes long hours and he loves it.  Nenad has a special spirit, dedication, work ethic, and love of PEZ like no other in the world. You have brought so much joy to the hobby for so many. No doubt you are a very deserving winner! 

Nenad, I am so happy that you have won this award, it is the highest honor in our hobby. Congratulations! 



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