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Friday, July 23, 2021

2021 PHOTY NENAD MARKOV written by Brian Jaskolski...

OMG! I am the 2021 PHOTY!
How unbelievable, 
I still can't believe it, I'll share my feelings about it on the blog tomorrow,
 in the meantime my lovely friend and 
2018 PHOTY winner Brian Jaskolski
has written something magically for me together.
From all of the past PezHeads of the Year, 
we would like to congratulate the 2021 PHOTY:
Nenad Markov!
You all know Nenad “Pez Ghosty” Markov as one of the 
admins of this blog, but he has contributed so much to 
the Pez collecting community over the past years. 
In looking for a good PHOTY nominee, the past winners select 
candidates not based on the size of their collection 
not how much they post online, but rather candidates 
who contribute meaningfully throughout the year to 
promote and grow the Pez hobby.

Nenad is one of several hosts who have put on 
2 VIP gatherings in Austria. 
He also travels to many local and international gatherings each year. 
He has even come to the US for them! 

His blog that he is a co-admin of, 
is second to none when it comes 
to the big Pez scoops. 

Nenad has the pulse of the Pez community, 
and is constantly updating everyone 
with the newest dispensers coming out, 
pics from the candy shows in the US and Germany, 
and surprises that many of us never saw coming.

Nenad is a wealth of knowledge when it comes to many Pez items, 
whether it be convention gathering dispensers, 
new or old gift tins, or general European Pez info.

It’s for all these reasons and more, t
hat we are so happy to announce 
Nenad as the 2021 PezHead of the Year 
(and our first international recipient, too!) 

Congratulations from everyone in the Pez Community 
and all of the past PezHeads of the Year.
Written by: Brian Jaskolski

Thank you so much Brian, this is so beneficial to me! >3
R: PHOTY 2017 Jessica G. & PHOTY 2018 Brian J holding my award.

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