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Monday, July 26, 2021

PHOTY 2021! Thank you of the bottom of my Heart!

Even a few days after my win, my feelings 
are still indescribable.
I would like to take this opportunity again to say 
thank you from the bottom of my heart ....
How it all started ... 
a few days before PEZAMANIA took place, 
I was invited to a Zoom Meeting on a false pretext, 
I only received a few keywords ...
To be honest, actually I'm not a big fan of the zoom meetings, 
that's why I had never attended one before.
It was about one o'clock in the morning
when I received the link for the meeting, actually 
I was already relatively tired but still looking foward
 to the meeting and then we started ...
Then the big surprise - 
suddenly I was the center of attention. 
I was having a hard time following all the participants 
because the sound quality wasn't the very best, 
but when my name was dropped as PHOTY and almost all of the previous PHOTY were there,
I was completely lost, 
of course, and thought I was going to faint. :)
Due to the distance, the time difference 
and because I unfortunately had no opportunity to be present 
at PEZAMANIA, the committee decided to inform me 
via the zoom metting in advance.
Of course I had to promise that I wasn't allowed to 
reveal anything until Pezamania. 
That was also a great gesture, 
so I was able to prepare a little what I really wanted to say.
Then the big day, I got a video call at midnight my time 
and was able to watch the announcement live.
It was so breathtaking!
As already mentioned in my speech live at PEZAMANIA.
It was neither my goal and I, did never in my life have 
expected to be able and namend on the list with 
all these wonderful PHOTY winners and to become the 
first international winner. 
That fills me with pride and my emotions 
cannot be expressed in words.
This will always be a very special moment in my life.
It was maybe a surprise for one or the other 
and a bit disturbing and weird, 
a collector has been honored who could not be present, 
who is somewhere 10,000 kilometers away from us 
and who speaks to us via mobile phone ........ 
and yet all of these is again the best evidence for it ...
PEZ and our hobby have no limits!
PEZ and our hobby bring people together, 
no matter where, 
no matter what skin, color,
 religion, weight, gender, sexual orientation, 
political opinion, 
we all love and share the 
same beloved hobby!
We all have found friends trough our hobby, 
we feel, celebrate, cry and share our worries together,
 all of this and everyone of you makes 
our hobby so special, and I'm so happy to be a part of it!
From the beginning it was important to me to bundle 
all information on the blog. 
With all the different social media channels 
it is easy to lose the overview and flow of information.
The top priority for me was always to approach new collectors. 
The credo was, if you bring a new collector to our hobby, 
then you have already won. 

This credo has and will always motivate me!
I woud like to thank the committee 
and all the wonderful 23! previous PHOTY winners!
My dear Co-host from the Blog, 
my lovely Krissy who always belived in me 
and to my two VIP buddies Willi and Yasin.
Without you I would never win this wonderful award!

I want to get on with the thanks and woud like to thank 
PEZ International and PEZ Candy Inc. 
for always securing you :) 
and Momopez for allowing me to always use his pictures.
Thank you very much!
At the end I would like to dedicate my 
award to all of you, 
each and every one of you deserves it, 
because if you share pictures and videos, 
your newcomers, 
the new releases or your thoughts, 
a podcast, 
a virtual convention, 
or a Gathering with us in the communities, 
all of this will give our beloved hobby SPIRIT!

Thank you for all your work you do!
I would also like to thank you again for the many 
worldwide congratulations and encouragement. I
 have to say honestly that it is really good for the soul.
Let yourself be hugged tightly and thank 
you very much again for everything.
To the best hobby in the world!
Happy Collecting!
Nenad Markov aka PEZ Ghosty
Thank you Josh B for the Video! 


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