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Tuesday, February 14, 2023

The first pictures! PEZ International at the Licensing Fair in Tokyo...

Ever since PEZ entered the Japanese market 
in 1972, it has been a pure success story.  
The Japanese love the PEZ dispensers, 
the PEZ Candies and everything 
that has to do with PEZ.  
Almost every week we admire the many 
great licensed PEZ merchandise items
 that are released in Japan. 
 If you are wondering how such licensing 
deals come about, we can tell you that 
there are trade fairs where exactly such 
deals are offered and take place. 
 Such a fair will take place in 
Tokyo, Japan starting from today.
To be more precise, 
it is the 95th Tokyo Gift Show, Big Sight
which opens its doors today
February 15th to 17th, 2023 and of course 
PEZ International with his 
licensing partner Plazastyle can not be missing.
 And that's exactly where we'll take you with us 
to show you the amazing pictures from the 
magnificent PEZ trade fair stand. 
One thing for sure, PEZ International will stand out! 
With the awesome and cool concept, 
PEZ International is bringing back the retro look 
and reviving the design of the 
Psychedelic Eye dispenser 
from the 1960s. 
With the great shades of 
purple, yellow, green, pink and blue, 
PEZ not only sets a colorful example, 
everything is also perfectly color-coordinated, plus the
dispenser will certainly catch the eye 
of the visitors immediately. 
PEZ International will definitely have
success at the trade fair, 
which means that we can expect many more 
licensed PEZ articles in the future. 

Thank you Toshihiro for the Videos :)

 Now enjoy the photos, 
our first thought when looking 
at the giant Psychedelic Eye dispenser  
was that PEZ must have kept the mold from 
the Psychedelic Eye dispenser from the 90s somewhere
 in their bunker.
They should re-release the dispenser 
itself in a cool color combination with a great 
stem print as an online exclusive dispenser.  
The dispenser would also look good in the
 Lifestyle section of PEZ International's online store. 
 Well, maybe we've dreamed too much ;)
Happy Collecting!
great PEZ promotional paper handed out at the fair-show.

1 comment:

  1. W0W. Including MisFits. Capitalizing on the Pez Outlaw movie???
