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Monday, February 13, 2023

From the end of this week! Three new PEZ Brides for the PEZ Wedding range....

At the end of this week, the extended 
PEZ Wedding range from PEZ International 
with the three new brides should be available online at PEZ (Europe).

In addition to the red-haired bride, which we are familiar with,
 the new blond, black and brown-haired brides 
will soon been added to the PEZ range.
But not only that, the 4 brides and the groom,  
coordinated with the rest of the wedding range 
will now appear on a special designed PEZ card.
Thank you PEZ International for the pictures :)
The entire PEZ wedding range is designed in 
such a way that it leaves nothing to be desired 
for the special day, 
be it as a guest gift, 
table decoration or for the candy bar.
PEZ International has a nice video and lots of 
pictures with great ideas and decoration 
tips on their website as an  inspiration and how to 
sweeten the wedding with PEZ. (here)

For now the three new PEZ Brides will only 
be available in Europe, 
let's wait and see what PEZ Candy Inc. 
decides on, 
we haven't received any info on that yet.

WE WANT! :) 

We can't wait to welcome the three new 
brides to our collections.
Happy Collecting!

PEZ Bride & Groom over the past few years.


  1. It would be wise for Pez to diversify the skin colors of the Pez brides--White brides with different hair colors doesn't exactly represent the world population or "leave nothing to be desired" as the post indicates.

  2. I was thinking the same thing. Also they could change the skin color or the groom too!

  3. I also would like to see the white band return to the groom's top hat; it just looks weird without one.
