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Tuesday, August 18, 2020


First of all, the good news: the new PEZ Flamangos 
have already arrived in the USA!
As you have already learned from my previous post, the flamangos will soon be offered both at PEZ International and PEZ Candy Inc. as a limited edition and exclusively in the online shop.
But let's go back to the end of 2019 when the
"2020 Lady Bug" 
was prepared as a joint publication in cooperation between 
PEZ International and PEZ Candy Inc.
Unfortunately, the joint publication didn't quite work in the end, 
the transport route was longer than expected.
One learns through small mistakes. ;)

Now nothing stands in the way of the joint publication by both PEZ International and PEZ Candy Inc. and as you already know, 
this is planned for the next week.

A total of 8000 pieces were produced, 
so 4,000 pieces are intended for the US 
and 4,000 pieces for PEZ International (2000 pcs. each variation).
And now something unique, 
the Mango Candy Packs come from Europe and that will give many American collectors the opportunity to taste the Mango variety.
Now I wish all of us the best of luck 
that we can order the Flamangos on time before 
they are sold out.
Happy Collecting!
Thank you PEZ Candy Inc for the pictures :)

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