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Monday, August 24, 2020

BIG Surprise! new PEZ Princess AURORA now available...

Today was the time! 
The new flamangos were put online by PEZ. 
At the same time as the Flamangos, Eevee, Luigi, the new Santa and,
 to everyone's surprise, the latest version of 
the sleeping beauty 
were also released for ordering.
Big compliments to PEZ Candy Inc. for that.
I was lucky to find the new Aurora (USA and Euro release)
 in the supermarket today and 
of course I compared it with the old Aurora.
Basically, I love every new dispenser release, 
but I'm not that happy with this version of the Aurora.
Although she is prettier than the old version but
the head is much too small, 
but so is the upper body, 
so it does not fit so well with the other princesses.
The crown and the necklace can hardly be seen, 
they should have been colored in gold
in general, she looks very slimy and more like 
Aurora's little sister and not the princess herself.
should PEZ plan to revise and re-release all the princesses, 
the size might then be legitimate. 
Otherwise, I fear that she will not be so popular, at least with collectors.
This is of course my personal opinion and point of view, 
you will surely soon be able to form your own opinion.
I would love to hear your feelings and I would appreciate a comment if you want to share your opinion with the community.

If you haven't already ordered it, you can do it now at 
both and
Happy Collecting!

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