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Tuesday, February 24, 2015

PezAMania Newsletter # 2 Written by JoAnn (Scoop) Pillifant

Thursday July 23, 2015 - Saturday July 25, 2015
t's been very exciting at this editor's desk to read all the chatter about Pezamania 25 coming in July this year ! It seems the Internet is literally lit up with comments and questions on Facebook Sites and the Pezhead's List. It all serves to spread the information and get the word out to the masses who have either never attended or didn't know this Convention is so much more than the Saturday Ballroom experience ! The room-hopping during the days preceding the Saturday's Public Attendance, is by far an integral part of this Convention's Experience. You will get to meet up close and personal, our very knowledgeable Vendors who can always be counted on to inform you, steer you in the right directions within your collection must-haves, and above all, give you quality merchandise for fair prices. This is where it all takes place and indeed, friendships form that last for years to come. If you are still sitting on the fence post and trying to decide whether or not to attend this year ~ make your hotel reservations NOW !! The hotel has extended another block of rooms because our Convention reservations are filling up FAST !! I will be honest and say that anyone who waits until a closer date to book their room WILL BE SHUT OUT. Yes !! It's filling up now !! You can cancel your room with the Holiday Inn up to 6 PM on the day of your arrival, if you find you can not attend. If you are intending to stay at the Host Hotel, make your reservations NOW !! When the rooms are gone......they are gone ! We can not construct another wing nor manufacture a room for you ! Ok, consider yourself warned !

 So let's talk about this month's Pezamania 25 Newsletter. In this month's issue, you'll read a great story from one our young collectors, Owen Arbaugh. His story about how he actually began collecting will bring a smile to your face and warm your heart ! Thank you Owen, for submitting this wonderful article.

We have a fantastic surprise to spring on you in this issue !! Eric Wisniewski (aka Pezburgh Punk) will be doing a brand new presentation during the Convention called "PEZ Candy Packs Collecting 101". His information is invaluable for those of you who collect the candy packs. Eric will also talk about his phenomenal art pieces he creates using the Candy Packs. He has once again, donated one of his fantastic Candy Packs Art Pieces for one of our Charity Auctions. Now, as if this new event doesn't add a special "Don't Miss" to your to-do list, we are equally excited to announce that Eric will be accompanied by Shawn Peterson of PEZ Candy USA !! We are very happy to see that Shawn will be attending our Convention this year ! To say that our 25th PEZAMANIA 25FEBRUARY 2015 ISSUE 2 Anniversary Pezamania Convention will contain spectacular experiences for all who attend is quite an understatement !!

Which brings me to another WOW! moment ~ last year's Convention had many wonderful highlights that attendees will forever remember. I know of one young man who's highest auction bid won him a very special package from voice-over artist, Tom Kane. Well, Tom Kane has again extended his generosity to us in providing to the winning bid, an MP3 voice recording as one of his characters with the message of your choice, plus a signed Yoda PEZ (he did the voice of Yoda in The Star Wars animated series), along with his signature on a picture of one of his characters !! It's with great pleasure we say a special thank you to Mr. Tom Kane ! Meeting him was such fun, but discovering what a really generous individual he is was certainly an honor.

I heard a new term this week ! It describes those of us who stand in lines at event after event to secure signatures from public personalities. The word is: Graphers. So, if you have donated signed PEZ for this year's Charity Auctions that you stood in line to get, we thank you and welcome you to the elite group of "Graphers" !!

Our Early Registration Contest is still in full swing ! When you secure your paid registration for the Convention, your name goes into the official Carl Webb Handcrafted Wooden Raffle Bowl for a chance to win a very special PEZ Prize !! This contest ends June 1st, but please, do not wait much longer to get your reservation in.

And lastly, we are beginning to list for your bidding ideas, the auction items. Check out this issue for the list of signed PEZ from the Comicbook World ! Set aside some money each week, beginning now, to give you some bidding power during our auctions and buying power while room-hopping and viewing the largest gathering of PEZ Dispensers you will ever see anywhere ! Stay informed by reading and pass along by sharing, the links to our Newsletter. We will keep you pumped and excited about this year's event. Much more to come, boys and girls !!
JoAnn (Scoop) Pillifant