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Saturday, February 21, 2015

Great Big Congratulations!!!

Pez Palz would like to Congratulate Aaron Lamay for being recognized as 
Pez Head of the Year at Pezcific Coast Convention. 
Great Honor for a Great Pez Head!

                                                                                          photos: Facebook
Bravo Aaron!!!

Aaron's comments to the Pez Community on Facebook- 
I would like to thank each and every Pezhead out there for my Pez Head of the Year Award. I was truly surprised by my supposed birthday trip to Pezcific Coast Convention by my wife and mother. I had no idea how this system even worked or anything. I have worked hard to help Pezheads and others anyway I can, but none of it would have worked with out participation from all of you all. The Pez Yearbook I think was a huge success and it was great seeing so many people these past few days with their own book getting them signed by others who they may have known before or have never met! The Yearbook would have never worked with out the participation of so many of you all. Additionally the Pez guide I have worked on especially with Gator has helped and continues to help so many people. I have always loved and will continue to work to better the community in any way I can. I am truly honored to be a part of not only one of the greatest collecting communities, but to be part of such a short list of greats who have helped out the community and continue to be a intricate part of one of the best collecting communities through out the world. I thank each and every one of you and look forward to meeting as many of you as possible. I will be at the North East Gathering in April and Pezmania in July. Come by and say Hello! Always remember that we are a diverse community, but have one thing in common and that is the love for PEZ! Happy Pezzing you all! Group HUG.                                                      -Aaron Lamay