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Monday, September 16, 2024

The new Minecraft PEZ Collection is available now!

Our American PEZ collector friends
 can rejoice, because the new 
PEZ Minecraft Collection 
is now available from PEZ Candy Inc.(here)
 You can add all 8 new dispensers to your 
collections in one go. 
The new Mincecraft PEZ Collection, which includes
and Alex,
 is available both individually on
blister cards and together in twin packs
with Steve & Creeper and Alex & Pig. 
 PEZ brings us also
the Minecraft gift box with 
Steve, Creeper, Alex, and Enderman. 
The great thing about this gift box is that the 
stems on these dispensers are printed, and Enderman 
will only be available in this gift box.

Rumors suggest that when the new Minecraft film
is released in April next year, this PEZ range will be
 expanded with an additional dispenser.
 For the time being, the dispensers are only
available in the USA, but there are rumors that
a Minecraft range will also be available from
PEZ International (Europe) in 2025. 
We are eagerly awaiting the official pictures
 of the European PEZ Minecraft range.
Now we just have to find a place 
for it in our collections.
Here you can get all the new 8 Minecraft PEZ dispensers.
Happy Collecting! 

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