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Monday, March 4, 2024

Clover Delight: Unveiling PEZ's 20th St. Patrick's Day Mascot and A Look into PEZ's St. Patrick's Day Collection

Since March 2021, 
PEZ has been delighting us 
with a special treat for 
St. Patrick's Day!
Undoubtedly, it stands out as one of the annual 
highlights on this festive green occasion. 

While we may have hoped for a green PEZ girl 
(perhaps PEZ has something special in store for us next year),
we're equally thrilled with the introduction of the newest green PEZ mascot adorned with clover leaves in her eyes.
The all NEW St. Patrick's Day PEZ Mascot with Clover eyes standing in clover field with rainbow in background
PEZ understands the significant affection the 
mascots have garnered within our community, 
and with the introduction of the new green mascot,
they are showcasing the 20th iteration of this
 cherished character. Clearly, additional versions of the 
mascot are set to grace our collections in the months ahead.
PEZ Pictorial St Patricks Day Lucky Charms,  Leprechaun PEZ Pal,  Good Luck Care Bear,  St Patrick Mascot
Above: St Patricks Day Dispensers Through the Years 
St. Patricks Day PEZ Dispenser

To share the excitement, we've prepared a fresh 
PEZ mascot pictorial for you. Now, European PEZ collectors can 
exclusively order the new St. Patrick's Day mascot online. 
Soon, our American friends will also have the opportunity
 to add this charming mascot to their collections through online ordering. 
Happy Collecting!
Pez Palz Full Mascot Pictorial featuring all Mascots made from 2019- 2024