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Monday, February 12, 2024

Limited Edition Valentine's PEZ Mascot with ❤️ eyes, NOW Available at, Plus Mickey!

Last week marked an exciting time
for European PEZ collectors as 
PEZ International released the adorable 
Limited Edition Valentine's PEZ 
mascot exclusively online. 
You can read last weeks story Here.

Now, our American PEZ collector friends 
can join in on the fun by 
ordering this sweet dispenser directly from PEZ 

We are thrilled that PEZ has once 
again surprised us with a new mascot, 
now the 19th in the collection. 
But here's an exclusive sneak peek: 
there are more PEZ mascots planned for
 release later this year, and we guarantee they 
will be absolutely delightful. 
We can't wait to share more details with you.

The Magical Sorcerer Fantasia Mickey is also 
now available on for purchase 

Explore our updated PEZ mascot pictorial here for a visual treat.
PEZ.Com AS of 2:01:57 pm PST

Monday, February 12, 2024

Happy Collecting!

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