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Sunday, January 21, 2024

Unveiling Pin Treasures: The Definitive Guide by Bob and Faye Tipton

Embark on a journey through the vibrant world of 
PEZ pin collecting 
with a guide that unveils the hidden treasures 
and remarkable history behind 
each carefully crafted piece. 
Meet Bob and Faye Tipton, revered figures 
within the PEZ community whose passion 
for collecting has birthed a stunning compendium.
 Their dedication has materialized into a 
beacon for enthusiasts, a richly illustrated 
guide that not only showcases the exquisite 
beauty of each pin but also serves 
as a time capsule, encapsulating 
the creation years of these coveted gems.
PEZ Pins By Bob & Faye Tipton 2023
Imagine flipping through pages adorned
with vivid, high-definition images,
each pin captured in its full glory,
with descriptions that accompany their creation.

The Tiptons' guide isn't just a book;
it's a portal into a world of nostalgia
and craftsmanship, where each pin carries
its own story, waiting to be discovered and cherished.
PEZ-A-MANIA & Miscellaneous Pins
As collectors, we often seek guidance,
a roadmap through the vast landscape
of our chosen hobby. This guide doesn't
just guide; it immerses you in a world
where pins aren't merely collectibles but
artifacts of culture, history, and sheer artistic brilliance.

With Bob and Faye's dedication and expertise,
this guide isn't just another resource—
it's an essential companion for any pin enthusiast,
unlocking the door to a treasure trove of stories,
memories, and endless fascination.

Group Pins & Annual National 

If you are interested if the guide
make contact with admins FB Group
"A Guide to Collectible PEZ PINS"
which is the same name as the guide.
Or contact Bob or Faye Tipton on Facebook or their website

Bob & Faye Tipton are also the hosts of the Northwest PEZ Convention 

(August 15-17, 2024) 


Happy Pezzing!


  1. The guide is great and the convention was a blast, let’s trade pins next year!

    1. I am so excited that finally a convention will here in the PNW I can't wait!
