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Saturday, December 2, 2023

Pez Couture: PEZ PALACE Exploring Gabi's Masterpieces

Ready to brighten your day with a smile? 
Look no further than a visit to our dear friend Gabi's Instagram page! 
Experience a burst of color as PEZ candies are 
 transformed into stunning works of art. 
Gabi's unique talent has elevated these 
beloved candy dispensers into the 
realm of high fashion, crafting rich and 
captivating pieces that 
redefine the ordinary into 
extraordinary masterpieces! 
And that's not all – don't miss out on 
Gabi's latest achievement! 
Dive into her new books, where her artistry 
and passion for PEZ take center stage, 
you on an enchanting journey through 
creativity and nostalgia.

GABI's Limited Edition Art books are now 
available you can find more information about

We asked Gabi for an interview, and here's what she had share.

How did you come to photograph PEZ? How did the decision to post a PEZ picture daily on Instagram come about?

Gabi:  I've actually been collecting PEZ since my childhood. The idea to portray my PEZ dispensers had been on my mind for over 10 years. I realized how fascinating they were to me due to their variety. From almost every vacation, trip, and of course, many visits to the supermarket, I would bring back new dispensers. However, back then, I only bought the ones that particularly appealed to me. I didn't purchase those that were less attractive to me at that time.

The initial photos of my series weren't particularly high-resolution. I was searching for clear, straightforward portrait photography, a consistent concept: monochromatic backgrounds, no frills, nothing to distract from my favorites. Even though the initial images didn't meet my resolution standards, they were always on my computer, and PEZ dispensers were all around me, constantly reminding me to start a photo series.

In 2012, I photographed my collection at the time: portraits and overall shots, but only front-facing. In 2018, I repeated the process and began designing a future Instagram feed. I also considered the concept of colors for the respective backgrounds during that time.

How does this unique medium influence or shape your creative process?

Gabi:  Ultimately, Instagram was the suitable medium for me to present my collection. On my personal account, I'm always delighted when I see clearly composed images, especially successful portraits, whether of people or animals.

The idea of posting a picture every day is certainly not new, but I liked the concept because of the strictness of this challenge. Initially, I had prepared about 280 portraits but couldn't decide on the right time to start. Finally, I chose Easter 2021 to kick things off – Easter, the festival of new beginnings, appealed to me. My youngest son lent me a hand and helped me with a quick and smooth start on Instagram.

My first post – naturally, an Easter egg – quickly received many likes. And the number of my followers skyrocketed as well. I was more than surprised and only then began to observe my "competition." Of course, I was also pleased that many of my favorite accounts accepted my follow requests.

With the likes and followers increasing – and still increasing today – my demand for the quality of my images, but also my text contributions, rose. So, I soon decided to photograph the dispensers in a manner similar to mugshots.
4 booklets with 124 pages each, in a total of 496 PEZ pages, with 488 PEZ heads, limited edition of 99 pieces.

    Is there a specific message or emotion you want to convey with your art?

Gabi:  That's actually quite simple and quick to answer: I hope that many, when they open their Instagram accounts in the morning, see a PEZ portrait from me that brightens their day.

An American follower once wrote to me: "Thank you for bringing back the good feelings." I found that really nice.

Are there specific artists or movements that have significantly influenced your work?

Gabi:  I studied Visual Communication and have been running my own graphic design office for many years. During my studies and in my profession, I've encountered countless outstanding artists. It's not just Andy Warhol but also portrait photographers and Pop Art artists who influence me. Among others: Cindy Sherman, Annie Leibovitz, Helmut Newton, Thomas Ruff, Clegg & Gutmann, Jeff Wall, Jeff Koons, Martin Kippenberger.

Actually, I enjoy looking at many things and, when it comes to art, I'm completely open-minded. It can also be music, a great film, or a theater play that motivates me.

But what I particularly like is a touch of humor in art.

Can you describe a memorable moment or experience on your artistic journey?

Gabi:  The memorable moments actually keep increasing. If I can't post for a while, I receive personal inquiries from strangers, asking if I'm okay and that they miss my posts. And, of course, the people around me.

I have a fairly large circle of acquaintances and friends. By now, almost everyone thinks of me whenever they come across PEZ. I then receive messages with pictures and the often-repeated phrase 'Do you have this one?' Increasingly, I have to confirm, but every now and then, there's something special.

For example, a friend recently rescued an Obelix from the bulky waste for me, and another brought me a Tinkerbell from a Leipzig flea market, bargaining it down from 2.50 EUR to 1 EUR because she didn't find the dispenser so appealing.

    How do you want viewers to interpret or engage with your artworks?

Gabi:  Even though it's a high demand, I somehow want to highlight the character trait of each figure – they shouldn't just be seen as toy figures. Before I post a figure, I research once again what its role, its character trait is. Therefore, the texts I write about the images are just as important to me. I'm happy when followers read my texts and give me positive feedback.

     Are there any upcoming projects or ideas you'd like to explore?

Gabi:  The other day, I told my older son, "I'll continue until 1000." He asked, "And then?" to which I replied, "Then it's over." He just commented with a "Oh no," which I take as a 100% compliment.

     Do you have a dream project or artistic goal you're working towards?

Gabi:  Some time ago, I thought about whether I should also portray the true collectors. I've already gotten to know a few of them. That would surely be a wonderful project for the century.

Gabi on Instagram follow 
BIG Thank you to Gabi for taking time to chat with us ♥️
Happy Pezzing : )

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