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Wednesday, November 8, 2023

There's a lot coming our way! PEZ will provide us with many Online Exclusive dispensers in 2024...

Who would have thought that when the 
first PEZ Candy Mascots were released as 
online exclusive dispensers at PEZ in a 
limited edition in 2019, these special dispensers
 would become so dear to us? 
We've been able to add many great dispensers 
to our collections since then.
In the beginning, it was also a learning process for PEZ. 
Too few dispensers were produced, and this rush 
was probably not expected. 
We remember when the first St. Patrick's dispenser 
was offered online; it sold out very quickly,
 and there was a huge outcry within the 
PEZ communities because many could no longer 
buy the dispenser online. 
PEZ has now effectively managed everything, 
and they continue to surprise us with fantastic
 new dispensers. When you consider that 
for the Online Exclusive dispensers, which, in contrast
 to other dispensers, have a minimal production number, 
entire production chains in the factories have to be interrupted, 
and the dispensers involve a lot of work in the
 production chain and in terms of organizational effort, 
PEZ has demonstrated that they can master all of this brilliantly.
Above all, we want to emphasize one thing: 
with the online exclusive dispensers, 
PEZ has consciously or unconsciously 
created something to bind the many global 
collectors together and, most importantly,
 to promote collecting, exchanging, and buying. 
Now let's take a look at what we were 
able to find out for you. :)
As you already know, the crystal Polar Bear 
will soon be released as an online exclusive dispenser 
for both America and Europe. 
The adorable new bear can already be admired at the display 
at the PEZ Visitor Center. W
e can now tell you that the Polar Bear's head 
is made of  
crystal glitter.
We previously announced on our blog that 
there will soon be another 
New Year PEZ dispenser, 
now we can reveal that this dispenser 
will blow your mind! 
It won't just be in crystal; 
it's an entirely new dispenser that we 
don't have in our collections yet! 
What's more, this year, and for the first time, 
there will be 
2024 pieces for America and 2024 pieces for Europe.
This means that every collector should have 
the opportunity to order one.
We currently have eight adorable 
Care Bear PEZ dispensers 
in our collections, and rumors suggest that there
 will be another very special colorful Care Bear 
as an online exclusive dispenser in May/June 2024.
If you thought the New Year dispenser 
will blown your mind, 
get ready to be completely overwhelmed 
by a entirely new PEZ dispenser! 
It's been at the top of many collectors' wish lists worldwide. 
We've learned that PEZ invested a lot of time and
 effort into producing the new mold, 
and there were a few changes until 
PEZ was satisfied with it and the dispenser 
could go into production. 
Like the PEZ Candy Mascots, this dispenser 
will be available in a wide variety of designs and variations.
 We'd love to tell you more about this, 
but it won't be long before we're all in for a surprise!
But believe us, you will be so excited!
Last but not least, we can expect more of the 
PEZ Candy Mascots in 2024. 
We'd like to emphasize once again that a 
Frankenstein mascot is at the top of our wish list. 
What PEZ will offer us next year is still a top secret,
 but there will be some new ones, 
and knowing that there will be 
new additions makes us happy.
Make room in your showcases, lots of special dispensers
 will follow next year, and you'll be amazed at what we'll get.
Happy Collecting! 

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