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Monday, September 18, 2023

Coming Soon! Halloween crystal PEZ Ghost and Christmas crystal Polar Bear PEZ

It was actually intended as a surprise,
 and almost no information about it came out.

Until now! 
Our friends at the PEZ Visitor Center were probably 
so excited about the two new crystal dispensers
 that they immediately made their way into 
the coming soon showcase, 
and therefore to the public ;)

How many times have we asked for crystal PEZ dispensers 
from PEZ over the past few years,
 all of our evening prayers have apparently been answered.

We'll soon be getting a really lovely 
crystal Ghost as a Halloween special, 
and a few weeks later the next sensation from PEZ will follow,
 the crystal clear PEZ Polarbear as a Christmas special.
the Polar Bear is different to the crystal milky Polar Bear 
that was offered in last year's European Advent Calendar.
From left till right: (1) normal Polar Polar Bear, (2) Euro Advent Calendar (3) 2023 crystal Polar Bear. (Thank you Momopez for the pics)

And now for further good news, 
both dispensers will be available as 
online exclusive items at the PEZ online stores 
in both America and Europe.

But that's not all, 
the rumor mill is bubbling, 
and how could it be otherwise, 
dispenser will come again.

And we can promise you one thing, 
you will be completely blown away because PEZ 
will come up with something truly incredible.
Thank you Amanda P. for the pictures ;)

So PEZ now that the cat is out of the bag, can we please 
also have the official photos :)

Keep it up PEZ, 
it's great that you have such creative people.
That's how we love you! 

We can hardly wait to receive the two great dispensers.
Happy Collecting!

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