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Monday, June 19, 2023

Brand new! Two new packaging for the PEZ Candies...

Today, PEZ International (Europe) added two new packaging 
for the PEZ Candies to their online shop, 
and they're both really cool and 
couldn't be more different. 
PEZ International thinks so too, 
as they have already shown us with their 
wedding gift sets, where there is not only the
 classic bride and groom couple, no, 
you can also buy two brides or two grooms together in one box.
In keeping with Bride Month, 
and of course with the slogan, 
Love is Love, 
PEZ International has designed a great rainbow card and 
has just added the new 
PEZ Rainbow Candy Mix 
to their online shop.  
The new PEZ Rainbow Mix combines 6 different flavors, 
whether sweet, fruity or sparkling.  
You can order the new PEZ Rainbow Mix here.
Get the PEZ wedding couples here
With the new PEZ Rainbow mix, PEZ International
 is once again setting a great example of modern
 cosmopolitanism and love for all people.  

  A new PEZ Candy Safe was also added to 
the online store and presented today, 
and the idea behind it is really well done.  
We know the 8.5 g "Fine PEZ" in cherry flavor, 
in elegant gold foil, from the European 
Money Heist PEZ dispensers, 
now 50 of these candies have been packed
 in a newly designed PEZ Candy Tresor Box. 
 So much gold actually calls for a gold dispenser, 
since there hasn't been a PEZ regular dispenser for a really long time,
 it would also be really cool if PEZ came up with a gold dispenser.  
A regular would be great in a gold and black pattern,
 well, we can dream a little :)  
You can get the new PEZ candy safe here,
 and don't worry we don't have to crack this safe 
first to get to the PEZ candies. 
You can get all this and much more with
 free shipping at PEZ until 21.6.2023 just use the code:
 Happy Collecting!

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