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Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Available again! The new PEZ Playmobil dispensers...

When PEZ International presented the new 
2023 sales catalog to all of us in January and we 
discovered the PEZ Playmobil dispensers in it, 
a cry of joy went through the entire 
PEZ and Playmobil communities.
PEZ surprised us with something completely new, 
and at the same time they managed to bring two 
collector's worlds together with this series.
The wait is finally over, the four new 
PEZ Playmobil dispensers are here and can now 
be purchased online from PEZ here. (Euro only)
We can't wait to welcome the 
Police Officer, 
and Knight 
to our collections. 
We hope that PEZ will decide to expand this series in 2024! 
Happy Collecting!
New PEZ Playmobil dispensers, available here.

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