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Saturday, May 20, 2023

PANDA Nr: 15! Crystal Glitter FINN PEZ Panda ist here...

It has now been more than two years since Greg, 
the host of the Australian PEZ Gathering in April 2021,
 introduced us to the first crystal glitter 
PEZ Convention Panda from Australia.
A total of 16 different crystal glitter PEZ Pandas 
were made by PEZ International in 2020 for the 
hosts of the various PEZ Gatherings/Conventions for 
Europe, Asia and Australia.  
 As you probably know, the crystal glitter Panda heads 
are always the same, 
the hosts were only allowed to choose 
the stem color and the print.

Then Corona broke out over the world and all 
PEZ Gatherings and PEZ Conventions were postponed.
Today, our Finnish PEZ friends got together to 
enjoy the PEZ hobby, 
and anyone who knows the two hosts of the 
FINN PEZ Gathering, Pirkka and Markku, 
knows that their dispensers are always 
very imaginative and well designed.  
Until the event, 
the crystal glitter PEZ Panda was under lock and key, 
but today the time had come,
 the ”PEZ miitti” (meet-up) took place in Turku, Finland.  
Now Pirkka and Markku revealed the secret. 
 And of course, we fell in love with the 
design of the panda right away! 
 The Finn PEZ Panda has a bright, 
colorful green foot and lots of little 
black PEZ Pandas adorn the stem.  
Of course, the obligatory Finn PEZ logo should 
not be missing on the stem.

Big compliments to the two Finn PEZ brothers, 
you have created a wonderful dispenser!
More information about the 
FINN PEZ Gathering can be found here.
2023 Finn PEZ Crystal Panda Convention Dispenser.
 With the new Finn PEZ Panda (the 15th Panda now), 
this also means for the PEZ collector community 
that this is now the penultimate PEZ Gathering/Convention panda.  
Only the one from Indonesia is missing now, 
but apparently there have been delays and 
we hope to be able to tell you more about it soon. 
 Of course we have also prepared another 
PEZ Panda pictorial for you.
Happy Collecting!

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