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Thursday, January 5, 2023


 Unbelievable how fast time flies, 
2022 is gone, it was a challenging year for everyone!

PEZ also had to do some special tasks, 
delays in the supply chain, 
global price increases are just a few of the 
challenges they had to face.

Nevertheless, they again had a lineup that leaves
 nothing to be desired, again more then 
100 new dispensers for our collection.
PEZ knows how to captivate everyone 
and offers dispensers for the whole family and all age groups.
It has been a tradition for us since 2014 that we close the 
last year with an annual PEZ pictorial to give you a 
precise overview or a help list of which dispensers 
have appeared in the last year.

As in previous years, 
PEZ Candy Inc. was ahead in 2022, 
with 85 new dispensers for the USA 
and 53 new dispensers for Europe, 
our American PEZ friends definitely have the better cards.

A second vision that particularly strikes us, 
never before have there been so many 
online only/exclusives dispensers as in 2022.

To describe it in more detail, 
a total of 16 dispensers that were only sold online 
(with Money Heist) 
of which 7 dispensers were only available 
from PEZ Candy Inc. (USA).

PEZ apparently liked it, especially since each of 
us bought something to go with the online-only dispenser.

We can definitely expect something 
special for Valentine's Day, Easter, etc. again in 2023.

We would also like to use our post to 
thank PEZ for a great 2022 year, 
for the great spirit they have, 
to all the creative minds, 
and the marketing experts, 
to the graphic designers, 
to everyone who packs and sends our parcels.

But before we share our 2022 pictorial 
with you, here you can find all our other 
pictorials that we have put together for you over the year:

But now we don't want to keep you in 
suspense any longer, here comes our 
2022 PEZ Pictorial, we hope you like it!
Happy Collecting!

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