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Friday, December 16, 2022

Little Mistake! Different PEZ Candy packs than the official pictures...

There must have been a lot of excitement in 
the offices at PEZ International when they 
noticed that, apparently due to a misunderstanding, 
the wrong PEZ candy packs had been included with the 
New Year Limited Edition dispenser.  
On the official pictures you can still see the dispenser 
with the golden packs, 
but due to a mistake it will be delivered with the
 lemon, orange and strawberry PEZ candy packs.  
PEZ International responded immediately, 
sending an email to all 
New Years PEZ dispenser buyers, stating:
"If you are not a fan of lemon, orange and strawberries, 
you are welcome to return the dispenser in its original 
packaging to us free of charge" 
We don't think the little mistake with the wrong 
candy packs is that bad, 
and we're over the moon with the 
New Year dispenser anyway! 
 Happy Collecting!

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