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Monday, July 4, 2022

SURPRISE! PEZ announces new PEZ mascots

For the Independence Day in the USA, 
PEZ Candy Inc. has prepared a special surprise 
and a great social Media post.
A picture was shown with three PEZ mascots 
in the American colors 
 blue that made us all go crazy.
It should be said that the red and the blue are new 
and the mascots have turned their backs on us.

What does that mean? 
Why can you only see them from behind?
PEZ Candy Inc. certainly deliberately published
 the picture in this way to keep us in suspense.
PEZ you definitely succeeded!
We just have to be patient for a few more days 
and then we'll see the great new mascots. 
We are dying of curiosity! :)
Happy Collecting!

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