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Wednesday, March 2, 2022

EXCLUSIVE! Two new PEZ Bees are coming soon...

Last year we all went crazy for the 6 PEZ bees. 
Now we are pleased to be able to report 
something new to you exclusively. 
We have sent out our secret agents again and 
they are reporting that two more PEZ bees will be showing up. 
As in the past, we have already been able to add a 
few customized promo PEZ dispensers to our collections.
Now make place for two new ones, 
because two more bees are coming out shortly. 
An Austrian company has secured the bees
 on the orange and blue stem with a new print on the stems. 
Sadly the yellow bee head will be the same as
 in the releases from last year.
Our PEZ card collectors will also be very happy - 
at customer's request, PEZ Int. made an own 
customer-related card for this. 
Of course, all this is still top secret, 
so no official photos yet, 
but we will present them to you shortly. 
It remains exciting! 
Happy Collecting!

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