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Friday, March 4, 2022

BREAKING NEWS! St.Patrick's Day PEZ dispenser has been confirmed!

We had already speculated a little in January this year,
 whether PEZ would release another dispenser 
for St. Patrick's Day this year.
It was the surprise of last year, and a mega success,
 there was an outcry through the communities, 
and everyone wanted to secure the 
lovely dispenser for their collection!
We are pleased to announce that there will be a 
new St. Patrick's Day dispenser this year, 
the new dispenser has just been confirmed by both 
PEZ International and PEZ Candy Inc.
Now we just have to have an official picture, 
but unfortunately, as always, 
PEZ keeps things exciting until the last minute.
Get ready, 
the new dispenser could appear in the 
online shop as early as next week.
Stay tuned, the first official picture will follow shortly.
Happy Collecting! 

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