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Monday, January 31, 2022

Our PEZ PICTORIAL for the first and second quarter of 2022...

Sure it is sometimes difficult for us to
keep track of which dispenser will appear where.
This is why, and in response to many requests 
we have once again designed our much loved PEZ Pictorial
 for you with all the new PEZ releases 
which are planned for the 1st. and 2nd. quarters of 2022.
We hope our new pictorial is helpful 
for many of you and that you will enjoy it.
Please note that some of the release dates may vary in some cases.
In order to avoid misunderstandings,
we would also like to tell you about
Money Heist
Even if most of us already have them, the two red
ones are now available from PEZ Candy Inc (USA) too
and can therefore also be found on our pictorial. 
If you are wondering why the new  
that was released in the USA last year can now be found 
again on our pictorial again, he has now been added to the 
European Marvel PEZ assortment and is therefore 
new for all the European PEZ collectors.

The new Batman Twin pack is schedulded for release 
on February 1st. 2022 in the USA.
Unfortunately, we haven't received any 
official pictures for it yet, 
Dealers have received the information that
 one of the two dispensers will 
got a new stem color (blue) 
and the other (black) should get a new sculpt.
We'll probably have to wait fot the real pics in the 
meantime we've edited them in the photoshop.

Limited Edition Valentine's Day PEZ dispenser!
Officially confirmed!
The Valentine's Day crystal Starstrcuk PEZ heart
dispenser will still come as an 
online exclusive dispenser
and will be offered soon by both 
PEZ International and PEZ Candy Inc.

2022 Online Exclusive Easter Egg!
Unfortunately not officially confirmed yet, 
but since PEZ keeps its tradition, 
with 99,9% we can definitely count on a new egg.
If PEZ Int. (Europe) will offer the special egg is 
not known at the moment, it was only 
announced to us that there will be some Easter specials.

St. Patrick's Day PEZ dispenser!
After the St.Patrick's Day PEZ dispenser triggered an 
unprecedented online hype last year and aslo
broke all online sales records at PEZ, 
we are firmly convinced that something grandiose will be 
happening again this year in March from both 
PEZ Candy and PEZ Internstional!
Unfortunately not officially confirmed yet, 
as soon we know more we sure will share it here with you.
Of course, our pictorial will continue to be updated 
as new and official images are released. 
Happy Collecting!
Updated PEZ pictorial 3rd. Edition.


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