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Friday, December 3, 2021

The PEZ Visitor Center celebrates its 10th anniversary with a cute limited cupcake dispenser ...

What a day! 
First we get to face the new golden limited edition 
PEZ New Year candy mascot, 
which was sold out relatively quickly in Europe after its release. 
And now PEZ Candy Inc. is teasing us with another 
special and lovely dispenser for our PEZ collection!
 As they did 5 years ago with the 
limited edition PEZ Visitor Center Boy, 
PEZ Candy Inc has come up with something special 
this time for the 10th anniversary.
Similar to the boy, 
PEZ Candy Inc will shortly be releasing the 
10th Anniversary VC cupcake dispenser, on light blue stem, 
with the PEZ Visitor Center logo and the 
10th anniversary print on the stem.
Left: normal cupcake from the PEZ Treats assortment, January 2022 release Right: new 10th Anniversary PEZ VC Cupcake.
 But not only that, the dispenser is super limited to 
only 1000 pieces 
and each dispenser has a hologram sticker 
on the card that shows the numbering of the 1000 pieces.
PEZ informed us:
the dispenser will be availible for guests beginning 12/7/21 
and those fans across America,  
who do not make it to the VC for the anniversary, 
will be offered the chance to add one of these 
special pieces to their collection - stay tuned more info to come soon!
We would like to take the opportunity to congratulate 
the PEZ Visitor Center, 
one thing is certain, the VC is not only a place for 
PEZ collectors that makes people 
happy at the same time, 
no, it is a place where you learn so much 
about the history of PEZ and you feels in good
 hands from entering the building to exiting.
Special thanks goes to Shawn Peterson 
for his tireless love for PEZ and the PEZ Visitor Center. 
With great attention to detail, 
the PEZ VC is an oasis that every PEZ collector 
must have visited once in their life.
For our American PEZ collector,
 this means that they not only have to look 
out for the golden PEZ mascot, no, t
he new VC cupcake will also be on many people's wish lists.
The only sad thing is that, 
most European collectors will end up empty-handed, 
but we are happy for all collectors who 
will be lucky enough to grab one of these 
pieces and add this special dispenser to their collections.
Let the hunt begin and happy Collecting!

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