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Saturday, May 8, 2021

Five crystal PEZ pandas revealed! ....more European PEZ Convention News...

As in the past, we love to tell you about the 
Gathering PEZ dispensers that have been specially produced 
by PEZ International for this purpose. 
Unfortunately, the pandemic has mixed up a lot and 
until a few months ago it seemed pretty gloomy 
for most of the hosts to organize a meeting. 
Even traveling was not possible for most of us. 
Now the situation in Europe seems 
to be improving again and the summer, 
the vaccination, but also the statistics, 
should make traveling partly possible again.
 While some hosts have already received their 
dispenser from PEZ International, some are still 
on their way to the destination 
countries and will be there shortly. 
Some hosts could not let the anticipation take away and have 
already published their dispensers in the 
last two days, or they have also presented 
their gathering plans to PEZ friends. 
Reason enough for us to introduce you to the
 dispensers and to provide
 you with the necessary gathering news.
As you already know from our previous posts, 
the Australian online PEZ event hosted by Greg P. 
is already history and all 
dispensers have already been sold and sent.
Günter H. has presented his 
Kleinmuenchen Gathering dispenser on his PEZ FB
 page and is still looking for a suitable date for his gathering. 
We will keep you up to date on this.
More info can be found here! 
Martina N. was also happy to present her 
Panda online and, like Günter, 
she is still looking for a suitable and 
permitted date for her event!
 More info can be found here! 
July 2nd till July 4th 2021
Suvad L. is more specific. 
Not only that he wants to organize a 
Bosnia & Herzegovina 
PEZ Gathering for the first time, 
NO, he has already 
presented the complete line up, the goddiebags 
and the specific date, 
as well as the agenda.
 Of course, his cute panda bear was also presented 
at the same time.
3 day's full of PEZ Fun include a visit to the 
wonderful city Sarajevo! 
Registration and more info can be found here
Sam de A. the host of the Siam Thai PEZ meeting 
has informed us that his meeting is expected to take place 
in the 4th quarter 2021, 
it remains to be seen what course the 
pandemic will take in Thailand.  
What can already be said, however, that some dispensers 
will be available as a charity auction for the benefit 
of the hospitals in Thailand.  
There is already a first look at the new Siam Thai PEZ Panda.  
We'll be able to tell you more info about it shortly!
...stay tuned! 
September 26th 2021
Javier D., the organizer of the
 Spanish Barcelona PEZ Gathering, 
has also already received all his Gathering dispensers, 
but Javier is making it exciting and will only introduce 
his panda at the Gathering in Barcelona. 
The date is set and everyone who has followed the 
Barcelona PEZ Gathering in the past knows that
his event is being organized for the whole family 
and of a high standard. 
For us that means 
 More info can be found here
August 27th till August 29th 2021
UWE S, the organizer of the 
2nd Germany Hamm PEZ Gathering, 
will also present the dispenser to us at his meeting, 
which will take place from
 August 27th till August 29th 2021.
We all know that Uwe will organize a fantastic 
program and the gathering will definitely be impressive. 
The registration will open very soon and it will be a 
great PEZ summer festival for young and old.
Registration, the program and further information 
can be found here!
 With the 5 PEZ pandas now published,
there are still 11 pandas that we do not know yet. 
As you have heard from us, two of them will 
be PEZ Panda girls. 
So the tension still remains and we will of course 
keep you up to date.
Happy Collecting!
Croatian PEZ Gathering-hosted by Martina N.- more info here
Finn-PEZ Gathering-hosted by Pirkka & Markku - more info here 
German PEZ Gathering-hosted by Uwe S.- more info here 
Indonesian PEZ Gathering-hosted by Jan & Gita - more info here 
Japan PEZ Gathering-hosted by Toshihiro - more info here
Kleinmünchen PEZ Gathering-hosted by Günther H. - more info here 
Portugal PEZ Gathering-hosted by Luis M. - more info here
Spain Barcelona-hosted by Javier D. - more info here 
Spain Madrid-hosted by Jose Antonio - more info here 
Sweden PEZ Gathering-hosted by Patrik & Anders - more info here 
Turkish PEZ Gatehring-hosted by Yasin O - more info here 
Thai PEZ Gathering-hosted by Puntima R. - more info here 
Thai PEZ Gathering-hosted by a Sam - more info will follow
UK PEZ Gathering-hosted by Kelle B.- more info here
Bosnia & Herzegovina-hosted by a Suvad L. - more info here

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