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Sunday, February 14, 2021

Three new PEZ double cards have been found...

When we have started our PEZ double card pictorial, 
we would never dreamed that one day we would count over 
75 different PEZ double cards. 
 Sure, some have already stopped collecting these. 
Not only the fact, they are hard to find, 
they also take up a lot of space. 
 But it is precisely the search for it that makes it so exciting! 
 For those of you who haven't given up on your search, 
we have great news!
 Daniel H. have pointing out three new ones,
which appeared as follows:
 Star Wars
The Mandalorian and The Child (Baby Yoda), 
two PEEPS double cards with 
yellow & pink and yellow & blue peeps.
If you are interested in seeing pictures of our complete 
double cards pictorial, please click HERE
 Happy Collecting!
Thank you Daniel H for the pictures.


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