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Tuesday, February 9, 2021

More PEZ Ornaments from Kat and Annie to come...

 We all love the ornaments and especially when
 they have something to do with PEZ. 
They make us happy and encourage our creativity.
 There are no limits to the decoration.
pictures from
 Sure, it is not the time of year for it, 
but it looks like Kat and Annie will be adding even more 
PEZ ornaments to their range. 
The Halloween fans will also be thrilled this time, 
Pumpkin, Mummy and the Ghost are also coming this year.
It says, all are out of stock, 
but we've received information 
that they should be available in April. 
We will of course keep you up to date. 
It is never too early to think about the next holiday season.
Happy Collecting!

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