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Sunday, December 27, 2020

New special PEZ packaging from Russia...

2020 is coming to the end, and while we are waiting 
for the first pictures of the new year PEZ dispenser, 
here comes a great special new PEZ release from Russia. 
 How we love such special appearances! 
 This is not about the PEZ dispenser itself, 
no, this time we are talking about the PEZ packaging. 
 The new PEZ packaging was designed for the Russian market 
and contains 3 PEZ (Hello Kitty Lama and/ or the PEZ moji)
 dispensers on small cards.  
The special thing about it, everything in Russian and in Cyrillic - 
thus a great eyecacther and a must have for every PEZ collection. 

 Many thanks to our PEZPALZ Mister L from Russia for the 
pictures and the video.
We can hardly wait to display the new boxes in our PEZ room. 
 Happy Collecting!


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