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Monday, September 21, 2020

NEW PEZ Treats line available from January...

Today the time has finally come! YAY!
After PEZ Candy Inc. surprised us in May with the official 
announcement with the 
TACO dispenser
the first from the new PEZ Treats line, 
followed a few weeks later by the second dispenser, 
the cool BURGER, 
and today we got the pepperoni PIZZA to see.
We are pleased to introduce you to the three new dispensers 
on the very nice designed card.
Now we just have to wait until January to get these three 
pretty new ones. (USA only)
The new PEZ Treats line will hopefully be expanded in the 
distant future, and we hope to see
 (ice cream, fries, sundae & soda on the card, 
and donut & hotdog on the box????)
a few more dispensers
 that we can add to our collections.
Happy Collecting!
Thank you PEZ Candy Inc. for the pictures.

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