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Friday, July 17, 2020

Close-up look at the new PEZ bride & groom...

In all the eagerness to share the news with you 
about the new special bridal sets, 
I have completely missed out to go into the differences 
between the characters.
Thanks Scott for the hint!
This has now prompted me 
to pay more attention to the details and to go into them. 
I compared the new dispensers
(based on original photos from PEZ)
with the old ones and noticed the following...
The new BRIDE
(I assume made in a new mold) 
got a new hairstyle and a smaller nose
and the bridal veil has on the top probably another flower.
The new GROOM
(I also assume made in a new mold) 
also got a smaller nose, smaller ears
and has no band on hat.
In a few days we can see all these differences in real.
Happy Collecting...

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