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Wednesday, May 27, 2020

MYSTERY PEZ CANDY MASCOT Get ready to get one of the thousand!

No question, it's a PEZ year of superlative! 
This year the creative minds at PEZ Candy Inc have come up with a 
lot for us collectors.

While we have begged the past few years for limited editions, 
dispensers with crystal heads, special series, 
official PEZ convention dispensers, PEZ Candy Inc overwhelmed 
us with dispensers where one is more beautiful than the other.
Starting with the great Spongebob dispensers,  
furthermore the beautiful MLP with their crystal glitter heads, 
the various USA crystal Convention Emoji  dispensers, and now the 
new Limited Edition Mystery Candy Mascot.
You heard it from us three weeks ago, HERE
in a few hours the new white mystery Candy Mascot, 
limited edition of 1000 can be ordered from PEZ.COM for USD 4,99.
Another novelty is that the good piece is limited to one per customer.
Just a little note, 
PEZ Candy Inc, please keep your great flow! 
Now all you have to do is surprise us with glow in the dark dispensers. 
So folks, now get ready to get one of the thousand.
(May 28th at Noon EST)
Good Luck and Happy collecting!

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