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Sunday, March 29, 2020

NEW EMOJI and SCOOBY-DOO Double cards hit stores

Cards #57 and #58 are here...
first of all Scooby Dooby Doo, Where are you
We've got some work to do now.. 
We all know the lyrics to the famous theme 
song to the show, and now we have some more 
double cards to add to our ever growing double card collections. 
With the new movie SCOOB we have seen a new double pack 
and updated detail design on some of the characters plus this new double card. 
The card features the NEW 2020 version
Scooby & Shaggy
Check out our in depth detail post HERE that compares characters 
from the new 2020 released to the original 2014 release.
Thank you Meghan for the pictures
The Scooby Collection

Another new Emoji double card has also been found, this means for us card number 58, and features the 
crystal Unicorn and the crystal Poop.
You can check out our master double card pictorial master list 
Happy Collecting!

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