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Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Exclusive First Look: New TARGET GLOBAL promo puck...

Two weeks ago we reported about a new promo puck and ball, 
which was made by PEZ International, 
you can visit our original Story HERE
Today we learn more about the new puck, no today we are happy to share with you a first look about the new promo puck which is made for
At this point we need to say, we do not have an info, how many
have been made, or how you will have the chance to get one,
but we are sure that some will succeed in finding them and
adding them to the collection.
Happy Collecting!

Target Global is an international Venture Capital firm headquartered in Berlin, with €700m in assets under management. Connecting the key European startup ecosystems we leverage the unique DNA of each of our target geographies, across our global network. Building on our experienced team with substantial operational and Investment experience, we help exceptional entrepreneurs to build market leaders. We invest in fast-growing online platforms, targeting trillion $ markets. Our partners have been investing for more than 15 years in the digital technology space, backing some of the European success stories.

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