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Saturday, October 5, 2019

First Look: new PEZ BARBIE Bags from Japan...

Attention all PEZ Lovers!  :))
Something new has beeen spotted in Japan!

There are 6 new 
PEZ licensed Barbie 
Bags out now.
They are sure a wonderful eye-chatcher and every 
girl will want to own them. 
Our dear Shiho found the new bags and sent us a 
picture of the PLAZA store, where the bags are already available, 
but she also told us that sadly they are very high priced.
If you want to have one of them, you need to prepair 
something like $ 23-25 for each. 
Now available in Japan,at the Plaza store,
thank you Shiho for the picture <3
Anyway we are sure, they will find the way to be 
presented in some of our PEZ collections ;)
Happy Collecting! 

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