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Thursday, July 4, 2019

New Pictures and Video update about the PEZ Walmart Pick up dispenser.....

Big Shout out to our Pal Bean P. for sending us 
new close up pictures and a wonderful explanatory video of the 
Walmart Pick up dispenser.
Back in November last year we 
shared the first picture on our blog.
Many questions and different opinions reached us, 
the one liked it, the others did not, and since then we have been 
patiently waiting for the release of the dispenser.
Thank you Bean for your great Video <3

While at the beginning we had heard that the 
dispenser will be given out only to customers at the 
pick up tower stations, unfortunately 
these haven't yet appeared there.
What we know certainty is that the first give out of a 
few examples was at an associates meeting, and a 
few were spotted overpriced on Ebay some weeks ago.
But we also know that 100000 pieces were produced 
and even if we obviously need to be patient, 
they surely will find their way in the hearts of our collectors!
Happy Collecting!

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