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Saturday, October 27, 2018

We take you to Barcelona to the PEZhibition...

Many of our PEZ collectors friends are on the way, 
or have already arrived in Barcelona.
Tomorrow, the all new PEZ Barcelona collectors gathering will start, 
and with Javier D. the gathering got a new host.

Javier wanted to do it different than the previous hosts.
 He wanted to bring the PEZ fun not just to us collectors, 
it should be a family event, with lots of games 
and fun espacially for kids.
Javier spent a lot of time and energy to bring the gathering 
on a totally new level in Spain, 
and we are sure it will be sooooo AMAZING!!!!

Today the first part of the gathering has started.
The PEZhibition in LA VIOLETA - many different artists 
worked on different things on and around the PEZ theme.
(The PEZhibition will run till 17 November 2018)
 We are happy to show you a few first impressions of it, 
and we hope you like it, the same way as we do. 
Thank you NADIA. for all the the pictures and video 
We wish you all a wonderful and great PEZ time in Barcelona!
Thank you Javier, and all the Artists who made that possible! 

Stay tuned PEZPalz, soon we will see the 
new Barcelona crystal purple PEZ LOL'ing.

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