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Wednesday, August 29, 2018

3rd Indonesian PEZ Gathering with a wonderful Gift box...

Last weekend it was finally time for,
 the 3rd Indonesian PEZ Gathering 
which took place in Jarkata. The pictures show a lot of PEZ fun.
This year, and for the first time, our PEZ friends in Indonesia had 
 the opportunity to get a gathering dispenser original made by PEZ Int.
Of course we are talking about a purple crystal PEZ LOL'ing from PEZ International.
From the two gatherings before we know, 
that Gita, Aina and Jan have created amazing packaging!
This year one thing can already be said, 
they did not disappoint us :)
Here it is, 
and we are very happy to show you the latest creation from Indonesia, 
great gift packaging, with a great color design, 
and as an addition to the purple loling also comes a custom printed
crayola PEZ dispenser.
We have heard, the gift boxes are still in the production process, 
and should be finished at the beginning of September.

Big compliments to Gita, Aina and Jan!

Thank you Luis M. for sharing the pictures with us ;)

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