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Friday, June 15, 2018

The Weekend of the crystal purple PEZ Gathering lol'ings

Hi Pezpalz, 
great news coming for all the 
convention/gathering pez collectors!
The Finnpezbros Pirkka and Markku will hold their 
11th Finnpez in Helsinki, 
and Luís is also hosting the 
5th Portugal PEZ Gathering in Castelo Branco tomorrow. 
For us that means 
we will see two new crystal purple lol'ings tomorrow,
which have been made by PEZ International.
But that's not all :)
Another surprise is coming and it looks like as 
it's going to be a purple lol'ing weekend. 
Martina from Croatia has decided to unveil her gathering dispenser 
on Sunday too.
Enough for now?
Maybe you can remember, we reported about a purple surprise PEZ lol'ing, 
we have heard that we will see them soon too :) 
Be sure to stay tuned to Pez Palz we will be sharing all the 
pictures here on our blog.
We hope everyone has a great time at the gatherings :) 
More info about the gatherings can be found here:
Portugal PEZ Gathering
Croatia PEZ FB-group
The secret crystal PEZ lol'ing is coming very soon!
the World's Largest Gathering of PEZ Collectors is coming soon
(July 26 through July 28, 2018) 
The wonderful hosts Sue and Rick Marlowe have 
selected a 60's and 70's hippie theme with 
for 2018.
For more info please visit 

The hosts Gita, Aina, and Jan will hold their 
3rd Indonesian PEZ gathering on August 25th in Jarkata.
Stay tuned for more info.
Our baby is here :D
We are working again on a nice package for our dispenser and
September will be our month YAY!
Be excited...

Our Dear Kelle will have her 2nd UK PEZ Gathering from October 4th to 6th and we are very curious what she has prepared for us :)
More info can be found here:

Javier D. the new host for the Barcelona PEZ gathering 
is working on a fantastic PEZ gathering.
New location, new PEZ fun and lot of surprises will come from Barcelona.
More info can be found here:
Yasin is working on details for his 3rd Turkish PEZ gathering.
The gathering will be somewhen in autumn. 
More info can be found here:
The first Belgium PEZ gathering will be hosted by 
Uwe Sauerland and Francis Vandewalle somewhen in March 2019 in Brugge.
For more info please visit

New City for Spain!
The host has great ideas.
Everything sounds very intresting for us but for now we can't share anything with you. The host wants to wait and needs his time to prepair all the details.
The gathering is planned for 2019. 
Sad news from Israel.
We have heard Ran has problems with
 the customs and no one knows when or if we will see the Israeli Emoji.
We still hope and wish that everything will work out.
Fingers crossed for Ran.
Don't give up Ran! :)

Where is the Japan Emoji?
We have heard about some problems with the Japan Emojis too, 
but for now we do not have anything trustful to share.
As soon as we learn more, we will let you know.

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